
Browser DCR MetaData

From Engineering Client Portal

Content Metadata

Content metadata should remain constant throughout the completion of an episode / clip including the ads play.

Key Description Values Required

parent ID – value is automatically populated through provided App ID.
In order to override the brand configured to the App ID, pass parent
value here and the sub-brand ID associated to that brand in the subbrand
key (e.g. multiple brands in App)

Nielsen provided

vcid sub-brand ID – value is automatically populated through provided

App ID. In order to override the sub-brand configured to the App ID, value can
be passed here (e.g. multiple sub-brands in App)

Nielsen provided

type type of asset "content"
assetid unique ID assigned to asset custom
(no Special Characters)
program name of program (511 character limit - Request URL should not exceed 2000 characters) custom
title episode title (511 character limit - Request URL should not exceed 2000 characters) custom
length length of content in seconds seconds (0 for live stream)
mediaURL URL location of the content being streamed custom
segB custom segment B custom
segC custom segment C custom
airdate the airdate in the linear TV YYYYMMDD HH:MI:SS
isfullepisode full episode flag
  • "y"– full episode
  • "n"– non full episode

crossId1 standard episode ID custom
crossId2 content originator (only required for distributors) Nielsen provided
adloadtype type of ad load:
  • 1) Linear – matches TV ad load
  • 2) Dynamic – Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)
  • "1" – content with linear ads
  • "2" – content with dynamic ads