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30 September 2024

27 September 2024

     09:57  DCR France Video S2S‎‎ 23 changes history −673 [MichelFodjo‎ (23×)]
09:57 (cur | prev) +3 MichelFodjo talk contribs
09:51 (cur | prev) +1,272 MichelFodjo talk contribs
09:43 (cur | prev) +15 MichelFodjo talk contribs
09:40 (cur | prev) +1 MichelFodjo talk contribs
09:32 (cur | prev) +3,069 MichelFodjo talk contribs
08:52 (cur | prev) +76 MichelFodjo talk contribs
08:48 (cur | prev) −4,231 MichelFodjo talk contribs
08:29 (cur | prev) +649 MichelFodjo talk contribs
08:14 (cur | prev) +18 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Manifest File for the Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)
07:50 (cur | prev) +669 MichelFodjo talk contribs
06:43 (cur | prev) −45 MichelFodjo talk contribs
06:39 (cur | prev) +455 MichelFodjo talk contribs
06:30 (cur | prev) −2,131 MichelFodjo talk contribs
05:54 (cur | prev) −915 MichelFodjo talk contribs
05:36 (cur | prev) +1 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Success File: Indication of a data delivery for a particular hour)
05:36 (cur | prev) +89 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Success File: Indication of a data delivery for a particular hour)
05:35 (cur | prev) +146 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Manifest File for the Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)
04:13 (cur | prev) +5 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Examples for Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)
04:11 (cur | prev) +6 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎File Name(FileName) format for the Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)
04:10 (cur | prev) +68 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Manifest File for the Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)
04:05 (cur | prev) +121 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎Manifest File)
04:00 (cur | prev) −17 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎S3 bucket and prefix(S3BucketPrefix) for all 4 Files)
03:58 (cur | prev) +3 MichelFodjo talk contribs (→‎File Name(FileName) format for Asset Metadata and Asset Viewing Files)