
Template:iOS NoID Privacy and Opt-Out

From Engineering Client Portal

Privacy and Opt-Out

The Irish Market build of the Nielsen SDK automatically Opt's Users out of the collection of any User Identifiable information or any Device Advertising ID.

When building your app:

  1. Ensure that you are using the NoID version of the Nielsen SDK Framework.
  2. Immediately following the initialization of the Nielsen SDK ensure you call the userOptOut API with Opt out selection:
NielsenAppApi?.userOptOut("nielsenappsdk://1"); // User opt-out

Required Privacy Links

Users must either have access to the "About Nielsen Measurement" page, or have similar text available within the native app. Include "About Nielsen Measurement" and "Your Choices" link in the Privacy Policy / EULA or as a button near the link to the app's Privacy Policy.

In addition, the following text must be included in your app store description.

"Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. Please see https://global.nielsen.com/legal/privacy-principles/digital-measurement-privacy-statement/?lang=en-ie for more information" (There is also a version in Irish available: https://global.nielsen.com/legal/privacy-principles/digital-measurement-privacy-statement/?lang=ga )

Retrieve current Opt-Out preference

Whether the user is opted out via OS-level Opt-out or via User Choice Opt-out, the current Opt-Out status as detected by the SDK is available via the optOutStatus property in the Nielsen SDK API

@property (readonly) BOOL optOutStatus