
Template:iOS Setting Up Development Environment

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Setting up your Development Environment

Prior to SDK Version the IOS framework has been distributed as a static library packaged into framework bundle format. Apple recommends to use dynamic framework, it has some benefits over static libraries like less executable file size of an app, faster startup time and native support in xCode IDE. Nielsen AppSDK has been transformed into dynamic framework in this release (static framework is still available).

If migrating from the static library to this new dynamic framework, once implemented, unless your specific application requires, you can remove the following Frameworks that were once required: [AdSupport, JavascriptCore, SystemConfiguration, Security, AVFoundation, libc++]

The Dynamic framework is created as a fat framework. It means that it contains slices required for devices (armv7, arm64) as well as slices required for simulators (i386, x86_64). Simulator slices are needed to let clients build and debug their app on the simulators, but they should be removed before sending the app to the AppStore. The example of the shell script that should be added as a Run Script phase in the application can be found below.

XCFramework is solution for the problems described above Apple recommends to use XCFrameworks. In XCFramework, we no longer build a single framework with multiple architectures. Instead, we build one small framework for each combination of architecture and target and store it in its own folder. The top-level XCFramework folder have folders like ios-arm64, ios-arm64-simulator, etc. Each of these folders is its own framework, complete with headers, modules, and binary.

Configuring Xcode Development Environment

Starting with SDK version, the Nielsen App SDK is compatible with Apple iOS versions 8.0 and above. In addition, when using the dynamic framework, all the required frameworks are linked automatically as the are needed. More details can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24902787/dont-we-need-to-link-framework-to-xcode-project-anymore

Note: All communications between the SDK and the Census (Collection Facility) use HTTPS.

Special Note for Static Framework

Starting from release framework is build from the mixed (swift + objc) source codse. If static (xc)framework is integrated additional settings should be applied to fix build or runtime issues.

Download Framework

The first step is to download and copy the NielsenAppApi.framework bundle to the app project directory. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Add Framework

In the General tab for app configuration add NielsenAppApi.framework in the list of Embedded Binaries. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Add Path

Add path to the NielsenAppApi.framework in the Framework Search Paths build setting. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Import Framework

Add NielsenAppApi.framework module in the source file of your app:

Using Swift

Add the following:

import NielsenAppApi

Using Objective-C

@import NielsenAppApi;

xCode 12 building errors

Developers who uses "fat" framework in their apps started reporting the following error that they get building the app in xCode 12.3+:

Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'MyFramework.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.

The binary framework contains different code for the same architecture in multiple places, and Xcode doesn’t know how to handle it. There is workaround that people recommend to use in such cases:

IPA processing failure

Assertion failed: Expected 4 archs in otool output:

The error above is due to the "fat" (simulator+device) framework which will not appear if you have not enabled Bitcode. To build your app with full Bitcode support, it is recommended that you use a XCFramework to avoid the 4 archs in otool output message.