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Engineering Portal / TV / ID3 in MPEG-DASH

MPEG DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) is a developing ISO Standard (ISO/IEC 23009-1) that allows for adaptive bitrate streaming across a variety of platforms, from mobile to over-the-top devices, and has the potential to replace existing proprietary technologies like Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS), Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS), and Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

Though MPEG-DASH is still in an early adoption phase, it is quickly gaining traction and is considered by many companies to be the up and coming standard. As a provider of digital content measurement, Nielsen has developed a specification for carriage of ID3 data in the emsg box for MPEG-DASH ISOBMFF. ID3 carriage is a pre-requisite for DTVR measurement on mobile and web applications.



Sample Audio Files