DCR Italy Video iOS SDK: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Breadcrumb|}} {{Breadcrumb|Digital}} {{Breadcrumb|International}} {{CurrentBreadcrumb}} Category:Digital __TOC__ == Overview == The Nielsen SDK is one of multiple fra...")
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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
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If need App ID(s) or our SDKs, feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help you get started.
If need App ID(s) or our SDKs, feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help you get started.
Refer to [[Digital Measurement Onboarding]] guide for information on how to get a Nielsen App SDK and appid.
Refer to [[Digital Measurement Onboarding]] guide for information on how to get a Nielsen App SDK and appid.
==  Implementation ==
==  Implementation ==
This guide covers implementation steps for iOS using Xcode utilizing the Standard Nielsen SDK for DCR.
This guide covers implementation steps for iOS using Xcode utilizing the Standard Nielsen SDK for DCR.

Revision as of 20:38, 14 October 2020

Engineering Portal / Digital / International / DCR Italy Video iOS SDK


The Nielsen SDK is one of multiple framework SDKs that Nielsen provides to enable measuring linear (live) and on-demand TV viewing using TVs, mobile devices, etc. The App SDK is the framework for mobile application developers to integrate Nielsen Measurement into their media player applications. It supports a variety of Nielsen Measurement Products like Digital in TV Ratings, Digital Content Ratings (DCR & DTVR), and Digital Ad Ratings (DAR). Nielsen SDKs are also equipped to measure static content and can track key life cycle events of an application like:

  • Application launch events and how long app was running
  • Time of viewing a page / sub section in the application.


Before you start the integration, you will need:

Item Description Source
App ID (appid) Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product. Provided by Nielsen
Nielsen SDK Includes SDK frameworks and sample implementation; See iOS SDK Release Notes Download
sfcode Unique identifier for the environment that the SDK should point to Provided by Nielsen

If need App ID(s) or our SDKs, feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help you get started. Refer to Digital Measurement Onboarding guide for information on how to get a Nielsen App SDK and appid.


This guide covers implementation steps for iOS using Xcode utilizing the Standard Nielsen SDK for DCR.

If you are building an app for the 'kids category' please review the Opt Out Requirement.

Setting up your Development Environment

Prior to SDK Version the IOS framework has been distributed as a static library packaged into framework bundle format. Apple recommends to use dynamic framework, it has some benefits over static libraries like less executable file size of an app, faster startup time and native support in xCode IDE. Nielsen AppSDK has been transformed into dynamic framework in this release (static framework is still available).

If migrating from the static library to this new dynamic framework, once implemented, unless your specific application requires, you can remove the following Frameworks that were once required: [AdSupport, JavascriptCore, SystemConfiguration, Security, AVFoundation, libc++]

The Dynamic framework is created as a fat framework. It means that it contains slices required for devices (armv7, arm64) as well as slices required for simulators (i386, x86_64). Simulator slices are needed to let clients build and debug their app on the simulators, but they should be removed before sending the app to the AppStore. The example of the shell script that should be added as a Run Script phase in the application can be found below.

How to obtain the NielsenAppApi.Framework

The Nielsen AppSDK can either be downloaded directly or can be integrated directly within an application through the use of CocoaPods. We recommend using the CocoaPods-based integration whenever possible to ensure you maintain the most recent changes and enhancements to the Nielsen libraries.

Configuring Xcode Development Environment

Starting with SDK version, the Nielsen App SDK is compatible with Apple iOS versions 8.0 and above. In addition, when using the dynamic framework, all the required frameworks are linked automatically as the are needed. More details can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24902787/dont-we-need-to-link-framework-to-xcode-project-anymore

Note: All communications between the SDK and the Census (Collection Facility) use HTTPS.

Download Framework

The first step is to download and copy the NielsenAppApi.framework bundle to the app project directory. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Add Framework

In the General tab for app configuration add NielsenAppApi.framework in the list of Embedded Binaries. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Add Path

Add path to the NielsenAppApi.framework in the Framework Search Paths build setting. (Not required if using CocaPods)

Import Framework

Add NielsenAppApi.framework module in the source file of your app:

Using Swift

Add the following:

import NielsenAppApi

Using Objective-C

@import NielsenAppApi;

SDK Initialization

The latest version of the Nielsen App SDK allows instantiating multiple instances of the SDK object, which can be used simultaneously without any issue. The sharedInstance API that creates a singleton object was deprecated prior to version 5.1.1. (Click here for an example of multiple instances)

The following table contains the list of arguments that can be passed via the AppInfo JSON schema.

  • The appid is provided by the Nielsen Technical Account Manager (TAM). The appid is a GUID data type and is specific to the application.
Parameter / Argument Description Source Required? Example
appid Unique Nielsen ID for the application. The ID is a GUID data type. If you did not receive your App ID, let us know and we will provide you. Nielsen-specified Yes PXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
appname Name of the application Client-defined Yes "Nielsen Sample App"
appversion Current version of the app used Client-defined Yes "1.0.2"
sfcode Nielsen collection facility to which the SDK should connect.

Italian Clients:

  • "it"
Nielsen-specified Yes "it"
nol_devDebug Enables Nielsen console logging. Only required for testing Nielsen-specified Yes for Debugging / Testing App "DEBUG"

Debug flag for development environment

Player application developers / integrators can use Debug flag to check whether an App SDK API call made is successful. To activate the Debug flag, Pass the argument @"nol_devDebug":@"DEBUG", in the JSON string . The permitted values are:

  • INFO: Displays the API calls and the input data from the application (validate player name, app ID, etc.). It can be used as certification Aid.
  • WARN: Indicates potential integration / configuration errors or SDK issues.
  • ERROR: Indicates important integration errors or non-recoverable SDK issues.
  • DEBUG: Debug logs, used by the developers to debug more complex issues.

Once the flag is active, it logs each API call made and the data passed. The log created by this flag is minimal.

Note: Activate the Debug flag in a Test environment.

Sample SDK Initialization Code

App tracking transparency framework

To display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, update your info.plist to add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing your usage. Below is an example description text: <key>NSUserTrackingUsageDescription</key> <string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>

The system automatically generates the prompt’s title, which includes the name of your app, then the usage description appears as part of the App Tracking

To present the authorization request, call requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler.

Please NOTE: It is important to initialize the NielsenSDK after the ATTrackingManager has Authorized usage. When the SDK initializes, it checks the status of the ATTrackingManager.

You can find an example in the file Global iOS SDK Download from the SDK Downloads section, folder name NielsenSampleVideoPlayer.

Swift 4.0 Example:


import Foundation
import NielsenAppApi

class NielsenInit : NSObject {
    class func createNielsenApi(delegate: NielsenAppApiDelegate) -> NielsenAppApi?{
        let appInformation:[String: String] = [
            "appid": "PDA7D5EE6-B1B8-4123-9277-2A788XXXXXXX",
            "appversion": "1.0.2",
            "appname": "Nielsen Sample App",
            "sfcode": "it",
            "nol_devDebug": "DEBUG"
        return NielsenAppApi(appInfo:appInformation, delegate:delegate)

Sample code using AVPlayer


class ViewController: UIViewController, NielsenAppApiDelegate, AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate  {
    let avPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
    var avPlayer:AVPlayer?
    var nielsenAppApi: NielsenAppApi!

  override func viewDidLoad() {

self.nielsenAppApi = NielsenInit.createNielsenAppApi(delegate: self)
NSLog("Nielsen SDK initialized")


Objective C =

Initialize the Nielsen App object within the viewDidLoad view controller delegate method using initWithAppInfo:delegate:

If App SDK is initialized using init or new methods, it will ignore the API calls resulting in no measurement. The SDK will not return any errors.

#import "NlsAppApiFactory.h"
#import <NielsenAppApi/NielsenAppApi.h>

@implementation NlsAppApiFactory

+ (NielsenAppApi *)createNielsenAppApiWithDelegate:(id<NielsenAppApiDelegate>)delegate;
    NSDictionary *appInformation = @{ 
                                     @"appid": "PDA7D5EE6-B1B8-4123-9277-2A788XXXXXXX",
                                     @"appversion": "1.0.2",
                                     @"appname": "Nielsen Sample App",
                                     @"sfcode": "it",
                                     @"nol_devDebug": @"DEBUG"
    return [[NielsenAppApi alloc] initWithAppInfo:appInformation delegate:delegate];


The following would be the NlsAppApiFactory.h file:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class NielsenAppApi;
@protocol NielsenAppApiDelegate;

@interface NlsAppApiFactory : NSObject 

+ (NielsenAppAPI *) createNielsenAppApiWithDelegate:(id<NielsenAppApiDelegate>)delegate;


Sample Code:

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    //Getting the instance of Nielsen SDK
    nielsenApi = [NlsAppApiFactory createNielsenAppApiWithDelegate:nil];

APP SDK Error & Event Codes

To view the Error and Event codes for iOS, please review the App SDK Event Code Reference page.

Configure Metadata

Handling JSON Metadata

All the SDK methods handles only two types of objects: NSString, NSDictionary. The parameters passed must be either a JSON formatted string or a NSDictionary object. The JSON passed in the SDK must be well-formed.

  • NSDictionary object
    • If an object of unexpected type is passed to the method, the error message will be logged.
    • If string has invalid JSON format, the error message will be logged.
  • JSON value must be string value.
    • This includes boolean and numeric values. For example, a value of true should be represented with "true", number value 123 should be "123".
    • All the Nielsen Key names (e.g. appid, program) are case-sensitive. Use the correct variable name as specified in the documentation.
  • JSON string can be prepared using either raw NSString or serialized NSDictionary.


let channelInfo = [
            "channelName": "My Channel Name 1",
let contentMetadata = [
            "type": "content",
            "assetid": "88675545",
            "title": "Program S3, EP1",
            "program":"Program Name",
            "airdate":"20171020 10:05:00"

Objective C

NSDictionary  *channelInfo = @
  @"channelName":@"My Channel Name 1",

NSDictionary * contentMetadata = @ {
    @ "type": @ "content",
    @ "assetid": @ "88675545",
    @ "title": @ "Program S3, EP1",
    @ "isfullepisode": @ "y",  
    @ "program": @ "Program Name",
    @ "length": @ "3600",
    @ "airdate": @ "20200321 10:05:00",
    @ "adloadtype": @ "2"

Configure metadata

Configure metadata should remain constant throughout the completion of an episode or live stream

Keys Description Values Required
channelName Any string representing the channel/stream custom Yes

Content Metadata

Content metadata should remain constant throughout the entirety of an episode/clip including when ads play.

Keys Description Values Required
type type of asset 'content' Yes
assetid unique ID assigned to asset (32 Character limit) custom (no Special Characters) Yes
program name of program (100 character limit) custom Yes
title name of program (100 character limit) custom Yes
length length of content in seconds seconds (0 for live stream) Yes
airdate the airdate in the linear TV YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS Yes
isfullepisode full episode flag 'y'- full episode, 'n'- non full episode Yes
adloadtype type of ad load:
  • '1' Linear – matches TV ad load
  • '2' Dynamic – Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)
'2' - DCR measures content with dynamic ads Yes

Ad Metadata

The Ad Metadata (if applicable) should be passed for each individual ad.

Keys Description Values Required
type type of Ad 'preroll', 'midroll', 'postroll' Yes
assetid unique ID assigned to Ad custom (no Special Characters) Yes

Example Ad Object

// create Ad object
"ad": {
  "type": "preroll",
  "assetid": "AD-ID123"

Configure API Calls

Sample API Sequence

A Sample API sequence could follow this flow:

Type Sample code Description
On App Start
NielsenInit.createMainBrandApi(delegate: self)
self.data = loadStaticMetadata()
self.nielsenMeter .loadMetadata(self.data)
// Pass Static Metadata here if applicable
Start of stream nielsenMeter.play() // Call at start of each new stream
nielsenMeter.loadMetadata(contentMetadata) // MetadataObject contains the JSON metadata
for the content being played
Content nielsenMeter.playheadPosition(pos); // playheadPosition is position of the playhead
while the content is being played
End of Stream nielsenMeter.end() // Content playback is completed.

SDK Events

Event Parameter Description
'play' Call at start of each new stream
'loadMetadata' content/ad metadata object Needs to be called at the beginning of each asset
'playheadPosition' playhead position as integer

VOD: current position in seconds
Live: current UNIX timestamp (seconds since Jan-1-1970 UTC)
Note: 'PlayheadPosition' has to be called every second

Pass playhead position every second during playback

'stop' playhead position Call during any interruption to content or Ad playback and at the end of each Ad.
'end' playhead position in seconds Call when the current video asset completes playback and pass the playhead position.

Example: At the end of the content stream, if the user switches to another piece of content, when the videoplayer is reloaded or closed.

Note: For livestream, send the UNIX timestamp, for VOD send the time in seconds as integer. The final playhead position must be sent for the current asset being played before calling stop, end or loadmetadata,.

Life cycle of SDK instance

Life cycle of SDK instance includes four general states:

  1. Initial state – The SDK is not initialized and hence, not ready to process playing information. Once the SDK is moved out of this state, it needs instantiation of the new SDK instance in order to get the instance in the Idle state.
  2. Idle state – The SDK is initialized and is ready to process playing information. Once Initialized, the SDK instance is not processing any data, but is listening for an event to occur.
  3. Processing state – The SDK instance is processing playing information. The play and loadMetadata calls move the SDK instance into this state. In this state, the SDK instance will be able to process the following calls.
    1. playheadPosition – Call this API every one second when playhead position is active. If a LIVE event, use the current UNIX timestamp (seconds since Jan-1-1970 UTC).
    2. stop – Call this API when the content or Ad playback is interrupted and at the end of each Ad.
    3. end – Call when content completes. When called, the SDK instance exits from Processing state.
  4. Disabled state – The SDK instance is disabled and is not processing playing information.
    1. appDisableApi is set to true

Note: For API Version 5.1 and above, App SDK will fire data pings and continue measurement even after the user has opted out from Nielsen measurement on a device. The data ping will be marked as opted-out ping.

Note: In case of any interruptions during playback due to alarm, calendar, call, flight mode, Wi-Fi toggle, channel change, etc., call stop to stop the measurement.

  • As soon as the playback resumes, call loadMetadata and playheadPosition

API Call Sequence

Use Case 1: Content has no Advertisements

Call play() at start of stream

Call loadMetadata() with JSON metadata for content as below.

  "type": "content",
  "assetid": "88675545",
  "title": "Program S3, EP1",
  "program":"Program Name",
  "airdate":"20171020 10:05:00"   

Call playheadPosition() every one second until a pause / stop. Use the sample API sequence below as a reference to identify the specific events that need to be called during content playback without ads.

Type Sample code Description
Start of stream mAppSdk.play(); // Call at start of each new stream
mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
Content mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
Interruption mAppSdk.stop(); // call stop when content playback is interrupted
Resume Content mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // Call loadMetadata and pass content metadata object when content resumes
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // continue pasing playhead position every second starting from position where content is resumed
End of Stream mAppSdk.end(); // Content playback is completed.

Use Case 2: Content has Advertisements


  • For Audiweb there is no need to tag ads in video stream ... please see 1st example about how to use the SDK without ads.

Call play() at start of stream

Call loadMetadata() with JSON metadata for ad as below.

   "type": "preroll",
   "assetid": "ad123"

Note: In case the individual ad details are not available, send ad pod (presence) details through the loadMetadata and playhead position through playheadPosition.

Call playheadPosition() every one second until a pause / stop / another loadMetadata() is called. Playhead should be passed for the entire duration of ad pod, if the ad pod details are passed as part of loadMetadata().

The sample API sequence can be used as a reference to identify the specific events that need to be called during content and ad playback.

Type Sample code Description
Start of stream mAppSdk.play(); // stream starts
mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
Preroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(prerollMetadataObject); // prerollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the preroll ad
mAppSdk.playheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the preroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after preroll occurs
Content mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
mAppSdk.playheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
Midroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(midrollMetaDataObject); // midrollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the midroll ad
mAppSdk.playheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the midroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after midroll occurs
Content Resumes mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
mAppSdk.playheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
End of Stream mAppSdk.end(); // Call end() at the end of content
Postroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(postrollMetaDataObject); // postrollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the postroll ad
mAppSdk.playheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the postroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after postroll occurs

Note: Each Ad playhead should begin from 0 at ad start. When content has resumed following an ad break, playhead position must continue from where previous content segment was left off.

Sequence of Calls


Call play at the start of each new stream. If changing videos or watching a new video, call play() each time.



Objective C

   [nielsenAppApi play:()];




Objective C

[nielsenApi loadMetadata:(contentMetadata)];



        //Monitor the Playhead position of the AVPlayer
        let timeInterval: CMTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1.0,10)
        self.avPlayerViewController.player?.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: timeInterval, queue: DispatchQueue.main) {(elapsedTime: CMTime) -> Void in
            if self.avPlayerViewController.player!.currentItem?.status == .readyToPlay {
                let time : Float64 = self.avPlayerViewController.player!.currentTime().seconds;
                let pos = Int64(time);
                NSLog("New Elapse Time = \(time)");

Objective C

-(void) setPlayHeadPosition {
    //Setting play head position
    CMTime timeInterval = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1, 1);
    [player addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:(timeInterval) queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() usingBlock:^(CMTime time){
        NSTimeInterval seconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(time);
        NSInteger intSec = seconds;
        //Sending data dictionary to SDK with updated playHead position.
        [nielsenApi playheadPosition:(intSec)];




Objective C

[nielsenApi stop];


When content stop is initiated and content cannot be resumed from the same position (it can only be restarted from the beginning of stream).



Objective C

[nielsenApi end];

Handling Foreground and Background states

For iOS, background/foreground detection is handled by the app lifecylce APIs which are provided by Apple:

Foreground/Background state measurement is a requirement of Nielsen AppSDK implementation which is especially crucial for static measurement.

Interruptions during playback

As part of integrating Nielsen App SDK with the player application, the Audio / Video app developer needs to handle the following possible interruption scenarios:

  • Pause / Play
  • Network Loss (Wi-Fi / Airplane / Cellular)
  • Call Interrupt (SIM or Third party Skype / Hangout call)
  • Alarm Interrupt
  • Content Buffering
  • Device Lock / Unlock
  • App going in the Background/Foreground
  • Channel / Station Change Scenario
  • Unplugging of headphone

In case of encountering one of the above interruptions, the player application needs to

  • Call stop immediately (except when content is buffering) and withhold sending playhead position.
  • Start sending API calls – 'loadMetadata' and 'playheadPosition' for the new viewing session, once the playback resumes.

Please see the Interruption Scenarios Page for more details

Privacy and Opt-Out

There are two primary methods for implementing user Opt-out preferences:

  • OS-level Opt-out - managed by AppTracking or Limit Ad Tracking setting on device (preferred approach).
  • User Choice - Direct call to SDK. Can be used without the Ad Framework

Special Note Regarding Apps in the Kids Category

If you are building an app that will be listed in the Kids Category:

Ensure that you are using the NoID version: of the Nielsen SDK Framework. Also, you can use the Artifactory method. Immediately following the initialization of the Nielsen SDK ensure you call the userOptOut API with Opt out selection:

NielsenAppApi?.userOptOut("nielsenappsdk://1"); // User opt-outv

OS-level Opt-out

OS-level Opt-out method available on Nielsen iOS

The Nielsen SDK automatically leverages the iOS's Limit Ad Tracking or AppTracking setting.

  • If the User's device is running < iOS 13.x, the Nielsen SDK will check the status of Limit Ad Tracking.
  • iOS14 modifies the way Apple manages the collection of a User's Opt-In status through AppTracking. Starting with Version 8.x+, the Nielsen App SDK will check the iOS version during initialization. If the device is running iOS12 or iOS13, the Limit Ad Tracking setting is requested. If iOS14.x +, then AppTracking is utilized.

Webview Example

The below code is an example of displaying the Nielsen Privacy page to the user.

Note: Apple released a policy update stating that the App Store will no longer accept updates for apps using the deprecated UIWebView (no specific date has been confirmed). Since then, we’ve recommended that you adopt WKWebView instead of UIWebView and WebView.

import UIKit
import WebKit
import NielsenAppApi

class OptOutVC: UIViewController, NielsenAppApiDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate {
    var webView: WKWebView!
    var nielsenApi: NielsenAppApi!
    override func loadView() {
        webView = WKWebView()
        webView.navigationDelegate = self
        view = webView  }
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "new_ios_bg.png")!) 
        self.nielsenApi = NielsenInit.createNielsenApi(delegate: self)  //create an instance 
        if let appApi = self.nielsenApi {
            //Getting the optPut URL from SDK
            if let url = URL(string: appApi.optOutURL) { //query the nielsensdk for the current privacy page
                webView.load(URLRequest(url: url))
                webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true

User Choice

The User Choice method can be used without the Ad Framework, or in situations where the publisher does not wish to use the App Tracking Transparency Framework.

The User Choice opt-out method works as follows:

  • Get the Nielsen opt-out URL via optOutURL
  • Display a WebView element whose loadUrl is set to the value obtained from optOutURL
  • Detect if the WebView URL changes to a special URL that indicates Opt-in, or Opt-out and close the WebView
    • Opt-out if the WebView URL = nielsenappsdk://1
    • Opt-in if the WebView URL = nielsenappsdk://0
  • Pass the detected URL to the userOptOut function


NielsenAppApi?.userOptOut("nielsenappsdk://1"); // User opt-out

Opt-out example code

Note: Apple released a policy update stating that the App Store will no longer accept updates for apps using the deprecated UIWebView (no specific date has been confirmed). Since then, we’ve recommended that you adopt WKWebView instead of UIWebView and WebView.

- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)
navigationAction decisionHandler:(void (^)(WKNavigationActionPolicy))decisionHandler {

    NSURLRequest *request = [navigationAction request];
    NSString *url = [[request URL]absoluteString];
    if([url isEqualToString:self.NIELSEN_URL_OPT_OUT] || [url isEqualToString:self.NIELSEN_URL_OPT_IN]){
        [self.nielsenApi userOptOut:url];
var webView: WKWebView!
var NIELSEN_URL_OPT_OUT : String = "nielsenappsdk://1"
var NIELSEN_URL_OPT_IN : String = "nielsenappsdk://0"

func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, 
decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) {

       let urlStr = navigationAction.request.url?.absoluteString

        if(urlStr == NIELSEN_URL_OPT_OUT || urlStr == NIELSEN_URL_OPT_IN){
            let appApi = self.nielsenApi


Retrieve current Opt-Out preference

Whether the user is opted out via OS-level Opt-out or via User Choice Opt-out, the current Opt-Out status as detected by the SDK is available via the optOutStatus property in the Nielsen SDK API

Required Privacy Links

Users must either have access to the "About Nielsen Measurement" page, or have similar text available within the native app. Include "About Nielsen Measurement" and "Your Choices" link in the Privacy Policy / EULA or as a button near the link to the app's Privacy Policy.

In addition, the following text must be included in your app store description.

"Si prega di notare che questa app include il software di misurazione proprietario di Nielsen che contribuisce alla ricerca di mercato. Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di consultare il seguente link https://www.nielsen.com/it/it/legal/privacy-statement/digital-measurement/"

Going Live

Following Nielsen testing, you will need to:

  1. Disable Debug Logging: Disable logging by deleting {nol_devDebug: 'DEBUG'} from initialization call.
  2. Notify Nielsen: Once you are ready to go live, let us know so we can enable you for reporting. We will not be able to collect or report data prior to receiving notification from you.

Removing Simulators (Dynamic Framework Only)

Simulator slices are needed to let clients build and debug their app on the simulators, but they should be removed before sending the app to the AppStore. Here is an example Shell script that could be added as a Run Script phase in the application.


# This script loops through the frameworks embedded in the application and
# removes unused architectures.
find "$APP_PATH" -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK
FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plist" CFBundleExecutable)


for ARCH in $ARCHS

echo "Merging extracted architectures: ${ARCHS}"
lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"

echo "Replacing original executable with thinned version"


Sample Applications

You can find some examples in the file Global iOS SDK Download from the SDK Downloads section