Digital Measurement SEI Ad Exposure: Difference between revisions

From Engineering Client Portal

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= SLA =
= SLA =
The files must be delivered into the proper S3 bucket within 3 hours of the start of that hourly viewing file interval.For example files from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM must be delivered before 4 AM.
The files must be delivered into the proper S3 bucket within 3 hours of the start of that hourly viewing file interval.For example files from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM must be delivered before 4 AM.
= Accuracy of Measurement =
The reported “wall clock” time of viewing needs to be within 25 seconds of the actual viewing time.
The reported content “reference” time needs to match the actual content that was played out with plus/minus 10 seconds ''(for clarity: start and end times can each be off by up to 10 seconds, so the combined under/over reporting for each individual viewing segment should be no greater than 20 seconds)''
= CTV, Mirroring, and Casting =
For apps native to the OTT device ''(i.e. downloading and viewing a streaming app to an Apple TV)'', audit ping should fire from the OTT device, and Viewing data should reside in OTT Viewing file.
[[File:Phone Playback.png|thumb]]
For mirroring, where video playback occurs on the mobile device and OTT device, only one Viewing file row is necessary where, if possible to determine, set: "secondscr":"MIR" and include in respective mobile platform Viewing file.
For a casting scenario where content is controlled via the mobile device, but displayed only on the OTT device such as an AppleTV or Chromecast, an audit ping must fire from the mobile device before the casting occurs and at the end of playback from the mobile device only. Viewing data resides in the respective mobile platform Viewing file.
{ ... "sessionid":"ABC","streamid":"DEF","position":[{"referencestart":"xxxxxxx123","referenceend":"xxxxxxx183","playheadstart":"0","playheadend":"60"},{"referencestart":"xxxxxxx243","referenceend":"xxxxxxx303","playheadstart":"120","playheadend":"180"}]}
{ ... "sessionid":"ABC","streamid":"DEF","position":[{"referencestart":"xxxxxxx183","referenceend":"xxxxxxx243","playheadstart":"60","playheadend":"120"}],"secondscr":"OTT"}

== Schema Parameter Definitions ==
== Schema Parameter Definitions ==

Revision as of 16:41, 26 June 2024

Engineering Portal / Digital / Digital Measurement SEI Ad Exposure

This document outlines the required specification for facilitating Nielsen ONE advertising measurement, Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) measurement, Ad Effectiveness (MTA, Lift, etc.), and Activation products leveraging the Single Endpoint integration (SEI). Integration specifications for other Nielsen products (DCR, DTVR, etc.) via SEI are available separately.

The Single Endpoint integration contains two components:

  1. Exposure File transmission to Nielsen with event level data shared via a Server-to-Server (S2S) method. This S2S file transfer supplies event data and related campaign, study, and user metadata required for facilitating measurement.
  2. Audit Ping (not required for ad effectiveness) are HTTPS requests that emanate from the end-user device at a minimum of once per Session (uninterrupted user experience with gaps shorter than 30 minutes, or as mutually agreed upon). The Audit Ping provides Nielsen the ability to 1) validate traffic volume 2) provide a signal that Nielsen meters can detect for participating Nielsen panelists.

Ad Measurement Considerations

Nielsen ad campaign setup is required using the Campaign Management Interface (CMI) tool or Tagging API for each campaign where Nielsen reporting is expected - this applies to new or current Nielsen clients transitioning from standard client-device-fired pixel tags to Single Endpoint style.

Nielsen ad pixel tags should not directly fire for any exposures already included in the Exposure File after the testing period. Third-party Nielsen pixel tags should be intercepted, suppressed, and included in a server file transfer with all associated information.

The Audit Ping is required for facilitating MRC Accredited measurement.

S3 Bucket and Prefix Naming Convention


Name Description
partnerid Abbreviation provided by Nielsen for each provider or publisher
env “test” or “prod”
filetype exposure, dcr-exposure, dar-exposure, audio-exposure, etc., where:
  • exposure is reserved for multi-product files
  • <product>-exposure is for single product files, where <product> is [dar|dcr|dtvr|ctvc|audio]
split a separate data split, can be by platform (ex.: ios, browser, android, ctv), by country (us, ca, jp, etc.), by publisher, by team, etc. or “all” (if data is provided in one split).
  • yyyy - year
  • mm - month
  • dd - date padded with 0 example 01, 02,..., 31
  • hh - hour padded with 0 example 00, 02,..., 23

S3 Bucket and Prefix Naming Convention


Name Description
partnerid Abbreviation provided by Nielsen for each provider or publisher
filetype exposure, dcr-exposure, dar-exposure, audio-exposure, etc., where:
  • exposure is reserved for multi-product files
  • <product>-exposure is for single product files, where <product> is [dar|dcr|dtvr|ctvc|audio]
initid integration id: unique identifier provided by Nielsen
appid Nielsen-provided server application identifier
starttime start date and hour of the data in the file in UTC
  • Example format: yyyymmddhh
endtime end date and hour (not inclusive)  of the data in the file in UTC
  • Example format: yyyymmddhh

Success File

Empty _SUCCESS file should be provided to indicate that data delivery for a particular hour and split is completed (even if there is no data for that particular hour and split).

Manifest File

A manifest should be provided which contains metadata related to the uploaded file(s). The manifest is a text file in json format that implements the AWS unload manifest file format. It has the same name as the data file, but has the _manifest suffix.



   "entries": [

     {"url":"s3://bucket/prefix/0000_object_00.snappy.parquet", "mandatory":true},

     {"url":"s3://bucket/prefix/0001_object_00.snappy.parquet", "mandatory":true},

     {"url":"s3://bucket/prefix/0002_object_00.snappy.parquet", "mandatory":true},

     {"url":"s3://bucket/prefix/0003_object_00.snappy.parquet", "mandatory":true}


   "meta": {

     "schema_version": "S2SV1.7.0",

     "accreditation_status": "0",

     "start_time": "1710154800",

     "end_time": "1710158399",

     "record_count": 55


The manifest contains a complete list of all files provided for a given period and split, as well as a meta data (a.k.a. header) which should include the following attributes:

Parameter Description Require Specified Format / Example Type
schema_version Schema Version Yes Nielsen S2SV1.7.0 String
accreditation_status Accreditation Status No Client MRC = 1 String
data_start_time Data Start Time (min) Yes Client Format:32-bit unsigned int Unix time in seconds String
data_end_time Data Start Time (max) Yes Client Format:32-bit unsigned int Unix time in seconds String
record_count Number of records in data file Yes Client Example: 31337 Number

Data delivery example for hour 11 (11:00:00 AM UTC to 11:59:59 PM UTC):








The files must be delivered into the proper S3 bucket within 3 hours of the start of that hourly viewing file interval.For example files from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM must be delivered before 4 AM.

Schema Parameter Definitions

Parameter Description Required Format / Example
apn Application name Yes Format: alphanumeric

Example: BestAppIOS

apv Application version Yes Format: alphanumeric

Example: 21.5

sessionid Unique, client generated value that represents the start of a user session. “Session” is defined as continuous (flexible) interaction with an application that may span multiple streams. Yes Format: alphanumeric

Example: Random GUID: ce6c1c95-de3e-431e-b11e-77…

streamid ID for every new instance of exposure to a different asset Yes, if no sessionid Format: alphanumeric

Example: Random GUID: d7a909f1-5e77-4af7-8a9b-f2…

streamended Stream is known to have ended in this file Yes Format: integer,

Example: 1 (stream continues in subsequent file), 2 (stream closed)

publisher_user_id Publisher-specific user ID (must remain persistent indefinitely) No Format: alphanumeric

Example: Salted, hashed user ID:


provider_user_id Provider-specific user ID (must remain persistent indefinitely) No Format: alphanumeric

Example: Salted, hashed user ID:


assetid In-house id used for a video asset (TMS ID if available) Yes Format: alphanumeric

Example: VID123456789

gracenote_id Gracenote TMS ID (If available) should be passed for all telecasted content. Required if id3 not provided Format: 14 character string. Normally leading with 2 alpha characters ('EP', 'MV', 'SH' or 'SP'), followed by 12 numbers.

Example: SH009311820022

station_id GraceNote station ID that identifies the station Required if id3 not provided Format: alphanumeric
program_name Name of program Required if id3 not provided Format: alphanumeric, Max 25 characters; no special characters.

Example: Nightly News

See below for more specific guidance on Program Name.

network_affiliate Network affiliation of a station Required if id3 not provided Format: alphanumeric

Example: xyz

channel_id ID of channel Required if id3 not provided Format: integer
channel_name Name of channel Required if id3 not provided Format: alphanumeric
callsign FCC assigned unique identifier for a transmitter station Required if id3 not provided Format: alphanumeric
ad_load_flag linear or dynamic ad load Yes Format: integer;

0 = Default / Unknown

1 = linear ad load

2 = dynamic ad load

dma Designated Market Area where viewing occurred Yes 501
device_id Mobile Ad ID (IDFA, ADID), Connected Device ID Yes,if


hem_sha256 SHA-256 hashed email

Note: email normalization rules applied before hashing

Strongly Preferred 55C06A30DAA5D5F382FDEB8C702EC57875CC9D91A7C78BB620053FD81DC…
luid Living Unit ID - Experian Household ID Yes, for CTV if available B0EOFEDgD
uoo User opt out flag for demographic measurement Yes Format: integer

0 = not opt-out, 1 = opt-out

xdua Device HTTP User Agent string Yes Format: alphanumeric,

Example: Apple-iPhone1C2/801.293

xff IP address Yes Format:
psudo_id_sha256 Hashed Device User Agent string + IP address No 421c76d77563afa1914846b010bd164f395bd34c2102e5e99e0cb9cf173…
The following 4 parameters become mandatory if Device User Agent String (UAS) is not available
device_platform Device platform(mobile, desktop, connected device) Required if no UAS DSK, MBL, OTT
device_type Device type for connected devices Required if no UAS AMN, APL, DVD, GGL, PSX, RKU, STB, STV, XBX
os_group Operating system of mobile devices. All other device should be NA Required if no UAS IOS, DROID, NA
device_group Type of device: phone, tablet, desktop, set top box (CTV or OTT), unknown Required if no UAS DSK, PHN, TAB, STV, DVD, PMP, OTHER, STB, XBX, PSX, AMN, APL, GGL, RKU, UNWN
The following 4 parameters become mandatory if IP Address is not available
robotic_flag Flag indicating IAB bot rule if IP address present in IAB bot list Required if no IP Format: integer

0 = not bot, 1 = bot

zip_code ZIP code where viewing occurred Required if no IP 10001
country Country ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 Required if no IP US, CA, etc.

Note: All parameters are case sensitive.