DCR Denmark Video Android SDK: Difference between revisions

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Line 522: Line 522:
# '''Disable Debug Logging''': Disable logging by deleting <code>{nol_sdkDebug: 'DEBUG'}</code> from initialization call.
# '''Disable Debug Logging''': Disable logging by deleting <code>{nol_sdkDebug: 'DEBUG'}</code> from initialization call.
# '''Notify Nielsen''': Once you are ready to go live, let us know so we can enable you for reporting. We will not be able to collect or report data prior to receiving notification from you.
# '''Notify Nielsen''': Once you are ready to go live, let us know so we can enable you for reporting. We will not be able to collect or report data prior to receiving notification from you.
== Step 8 :  Provide your app for certification ==
Once ready please send your application to Nielsen local staff for certification.

== Step 9 :  Going Live ==
== Step 9 :  Going Live ==
After the integration has been certified (but not prior that), disable debug logging by deleting {nol_sdkDebug: "DEBUG"} from initialization call - see Step 2.
After the integration has been certified (but not prior that), disable debug logging by deleting {nol_sdkDebug: "DEBUG"} from initialization call - see Step 2.

Revision as of 06:49, 4 December 2020

Engineering Portal / Digital / International DCR / DCR Denmark Video Android SDK


The Nielsen SDK is one of multiple framework SDKs that Nielsen provides to enable measuring linear (live) and on-demand TV viewing using TVs, mobile devices, etc. The App SDK is the framework for mobile application developers to integrate Nielsen Measurement into their media player applications. It supports a variety of Nielsen Measurement Products like It supports a variety of Nielsen Measurement Products like Digital in TV Ratings (DTVR), Digital Content Ratings (DCR), and Digital Ad Ratings (DAR). Nielsen SDKs are also equipped to measure static content and can track key life cycle events of an application like:

  • Application launch events and how long app was running
  • Time of viewing a sub section / page in the application.


Before you start the integration, you will need:

Item Description Source
"App ID (appid)" Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product. Contact Nielsen
"Nielsen SDK" Includes SDK frameworks and "sample implementation"; "See Android SDK Release Notes" Download


This guide covers implementation steps for Android Studio utilizing the Standard Nielsen SDK for DCR.

If you are building an app for the 'kids category' please review the Opt Out Requirement.

How to obtain the NielsenAppApi

The Nielsen AppSDK can either be downloaded directly or can be integrated directly within an application through the use of Gradle. We recommend using the Gradle-based integration whenever possible to ensure you maintain the most recent changes and enhancements to the Nielsen libraries.

Setting up your Development Environment

Configuring Android Development Environment

  • The Nielsen App SDK (located in the Downloads section of the website) class is the primary application interface to the Nielsen App SDK on Android.
  • The Nielsen App SDK class is defined as the only public class belonging to the com.nielsen.app.sdk package.

Nielsen App SDK is compatible with Android OS versions 2.3+. Clients can control / configure the protocol to be used – HTTPS or HTTP to suit their needs.

The requirement for the Java AppSdk.jar library and the libAppSdk.so native library will depend on the type of host application that will make use of them.

  • For Video player applications
    • The Android OS hosting the App SDK should use a media player supporting HLS streaming (Android 3.0 and later will support it natively).
    • If the player application uses a 3rd party media player implementing its own HLS, then the minimum Android version will be limited to version 2.3, since the SDK depends on Google Play support to work properly.

Once SDK is downloaded ensure to unzip the Nielsen SDK and copy the AppSdk.jar in your app (Android Studio) libs folder, then right click the AppSdk.jar and select Add As Library. Ensure the AppSdk.jar file is added in 'build.grade (App Level) file.

  • App SDK 1.2 provides support for x86, mips, and armeabi-7a architecture.

Google Play Services

Add the Google Play Services in the project, Steps: Android Studio -> File -> Project Structure ->(In module selection) select App -> Dependencies (tab) -> Click "+" button and select "com.google.android.gms:play-services". Ensure it is added in build.gradle (App level) file

Manifest File

  • Add the following permissions on the project’s AndroidManifest.xml file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

For more details to handle runtime permissions in Android versions, please visit [1].

  • In AndroidManifest.xml under <application> node add the following metadata
  • App SDK checks to see if there is a Google service available and updated.
  • If not available or updated, App SDK will not use this service when executing its functions and will make reference to missing imports and the app will not be compiled.


Nielsen App SDK uses the following packages/classes from the Google Play service.

  • google-play-services_lib


  • com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient;
  • com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient.Info;
  • com.google.android.gms.common.ConnectionResult;
  • com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil;
  • com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesRepairableException;
  • com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException;

SDK Initialization

The latest version of the Nielsen App SDK allows instantiating multiple instances of the SDK object, which can be used simultaneously without any issue. The sharedInstance API that creates a singleton object was deprecated prior to version 5.1.1. (Version 4.0 for Android)

The following table contains the list of arguments that can be passed via the AppInfo JSON schema.

Parameter / Argument Description Source Required? Example
appid Unique Nielsen ID for the application. The ID is a GUID data type. If you did not receive your App ID, let us know and we will provide you. Nielsen-specified Yes PXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
nol_devDebug Enables Nielsen console logging. Only required for testing Nielsen-specified Optional "DEBUG"

Debug flag for development environment

Player application developers / integrators can use Debug flag to check whether an App SDK API call made is successful. To activate the Debug flag, Pass the argument @"nol_devDebug":@"INFO", in the JSON string . The permitted values are:

  • INFO: Displays the API calls and the input data from the application (validate player name, app ID, etc.). It can be used as certification Aid.
  • WARN: Indicates potential integration / configuration errors or SDK issues.
  • ERROR: Indicates important integration errors or non-recoverable SDK issues.
  • DEBUG: Debug logs, used by the developers to debug more complex issues.

Once the flag is active, it logs each API call made and the data passed. The log created by this flag is minimal.

Note: DO NOT activate the Debug flag in a production environment.

Sample SDK Initialization Code

AppSDK() is no longer a singleton object and should be initialized as below.

Initialization of App SDK object through a JSON object

  // Prepare AppSdk configuration object (JSONObject)
  JSONObject appSdkConfig = new JSONObject()
          .put("appid", "PDA7D5EE6-B1B8-XXXX-XXXX-2A788BCXXXCA")
          .put("nol_devDebug", "DEBUG"); // only for debug builds

// Pass appSdkConfig to the AppSdk constructor
mAppSdk = new AppSdk(appContext, appSdkConfig, appSdkListener);
catch (JSONException e)
  Log.e(TAG, "Couldn’t prepare JSONObject for appSdkConfig", e);

Here, appContext is the App context object and appSdkConfig is JSON object for holding the parameters (appid) the App passes to the Nielsen App SDK via a JSON string. The appid is obtained from Nielsen operational support and is unique to the app.

The integration of Nielsen App SDK will depend on type of client app.

  • Ensure that SDK files (AppSdk.jar and libAppSdk.so [App SDK 1.2 Only]) are included under the App’s project and the App SDK is linked to the App (the setting to link App SDK to the App can be found on property page of the App’s project).

APP SDK Error & Event Codes

To view the Error and Event codes for iOS and Android, please review the App SDK Event Code Reference page.

Create Metadata Objects

The parameters passed must be either a JSON formatted string or a NSDictionary object. The JSON passed in the SDK must be well-formed.

  • NSDictionary object
    • If an object of unexpected type is passed to the method, the error message will be logged.
    • If string has invalid JSON format, the error message will be logged.
  • JSON value must be string value.
    • This includes boolean and numeric values. For example, a value of true should be represented with "true", number value 123 should be "123".
    • All the Variable Names like appid, appname, dataSrc, title, type etc. are case-sensitive. Use the correct variable name as specified in the documentation.
  • JSON string can be prepared using either raw NSString or serialized NSDictionary.

Create channelName Metadata

channelName should remain constant throughout the completion of an episode or live stream.

Key Description Values Required
channelName Any string representing the channel/stream custom

Create Content Metadata

Content metadata should remain constant throughout the entirety of an episode/clip including when ads play.

program and title metadata values should be passed to SDK as UTF-8 strings.

Keys Description Values Required
type type of asset "content" for main content
assetid unique ID assigned to asset custom
(no Special Characters)
program name of program custom
title episode name custom
length length of content in seconds Length of content in seconds (86400 seconds for live stream (24/7). For Event-Live streams planned length. For VoD video length)
airdate the original date (local time with hh:mm:ss as 24h time stamp) content became available. This date does not change if the content is rebroadcasted on linear TV. YYYYMMDD HH:MI:SS (if not known set it to eg. "19700101 00:00:00")
isfullepisode full episode flag
  • "y" full episode (full content for a program)
  • "n" non full episode (only one part of the entire content for a program , i.e. preview, sub-episodes)

adloadtype type of Ad load
  • "1" Linear - matches TV ad load
  • "2" Dynamic - Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)

Create Ad Metadata (optional for DR)

The Ad Metadata (if applicable) should be passed for each individual ad.

Note: All metadata values should be passed as UTF-8 strings.

Keys Description Values Required
type type of Ad "preroll", "midroll", "postroll"
"ad" - If specific type can not be identified.
assetid unique ID assigned to Ad custom
(no Special Characters)

MetaData Example

JSONObject channelInfo = new JSONObject()
    .put("channelname","My Channel Name 1")

JSONObject contentMetadata = new JSONObject()
   .put("assetid", "unique_content_id")
   .put("type", "content")
   .put("program", "program name")
   .put("title", "episode title")
   .put("length", "length in seconds")
   .put("airdate", "20200713 10:22:00")
   .put("isfullepisode", "y")
   .put("adloadtype", "2");

JSONObject adMetadata = new JSONObject()
   .put("assetid", "unique_postroll_ad_id")
   .put("type", "postroll");

Sequence of Calls


Use play to pass the channel descriptor information through channelName parameter when the user taps the Play button on the player.

    public void play(JSONObject channelInfo);


public void loadMetadata(JSONObject contentMetadata);


public void setPlayheadPosition(long position)


public void stop()


When content stop is initiated and content cannot be resumed from the same position (it can only be restarted from the beginning of stream).

public void end()

Configure API Calls

Sample API Sequence

A Sample API sequence could follow this flow:

Type Sample code Description
On App Start [nielsenMeter loadMetadata: contentMetadata]; // contentMetadata Object contains the JSON metadata for the impression
Start of stream [nielsenMeter play]; // call at start of each new stream
[nielsenMeter loadMetadata: contentMetadataObject]; // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
Content [nielsenMeter setplayheadPosition: position]; // playheadPosition is position of the playhead while the content is being played
End of Stream [nielsenMeter end]; // Content playback is completed.

SDK Events

Event Parameter Description
'play' Call at start of each new stream
'loadMetadata' content/ad metadata object Needs to be called at the beginning of each asset
'setPlayheadPosition' playhead position as integer

VOD: || current position in seconds
Live: current Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan-1-1970 UTC)
Note: 'setPlayheadPosition' has to be called every second

Pass playhead position every second during playback

'stop' playhead position Call during any interruption to content or Ad playback and at the end of each Ad.
'end' playhead position in seconds Call when the current video asset completes playback and pass the playhead position.

Example: At the end of the content stream, if the user switches to another piece of content, when the browser is refreshed or closed.

Note: For livestream, send the Unix timestamp; for VOD send the time in seconds as integer. The final playhead position must be sent for the current asset being played before calling stop, end or loadmetadata,.

Life cycle of SDK instance

Life cycle of SDK instance includes four general states:

  1. Initial state – The SDK is not initialized and hence, not ready to process playing information. Once the SDK is moved out of this state, it needs instantiation of the new SDK instance in order to get the instance in the Initial state.
  2. Idle state – The SDK is initialized and is ready to process playing information. Once Initialized, the SDK instance is not processing any data, but is listening for the play event to occur.
  3. Processing state – The SDK instance is processing playing information. The play and loadMetadata calls move the SDK instance into this state. In this state, the SDK instance will be able to process the following calls.
    1. setplayheadPosition – Call this API every one second when playhead position timer is fired. If a LIVE event, use the current Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan-1-1970 UTC).
    2. stop – Call this API when the playback is paused, switches between content and ad (within the same content playback) or encounters interruptions.
    3. end – Call when content completes. When called, the SDK instance exits from Processing state.
  4. Disabled state – The SDK instance is disabled and is not processing playing information. SDK instance moves into this state in one of the following scenarios.
    1. Initialization fails
    2. appDisableApi is set to true

Note: For API Version 5.1 and above, App SDK will fire data pings and continue measurement even after the user has opted out from Nielsen measurement on a device. The data ping will be marked as opted-out ping.

Note: In case of any interruptions during playback due to alarm, calendar, call, flight mode, Wi-Fi toggle, channel change, etc., call stop to stop the measurement.

  • As soon as the playback resumes, loadMetadata and playheadPosition

Handling Foreground and Background states

There are a few approaches to managing the Foreground and Background states of an app available to use for state measurement.

  • Utilizing the Androidx LifeCycleObserver (The recommended approach starting sdk version
  • Utilizing the SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class
  • Adding a tag to the Manifest XML
  • Manual Management

The LifeCycleObserver

AndroidX replaces the original support library APIs with packages in the androidx namespace, and Android Studio 3.2 and higher provides an automated migration tool. (Select Refactor> Migrate to AndroidX from the menu bar.)

Starting with version 7.1.0, with AndroidX support, an additional utility is provided in the AppSDK - application background/foreground state detection by the AppSdk leveraging the Android Architecture component "LifeCycleObserver".

The AppSdk is now capable of detecting the application UI visibility state transitions between background and foreground, without forcing the applications to register for AppSdk's AppSdkApplication class, which is responsible for handling the detection of application background/foreground state transitions at present.

Please note, that if you already have an app designed that utilizes the depreciated SdkBgFgDetectionUtility Class, the AppSDK will ignore any calls to these methods if it can utilize the LifeCycleObserver. LifeCycleObserver based auto detection will take precedence.

Adding the AndroidX dependency

In order to make use of the app background/foreground state transition auto detection feature of AndroidX AppSdk, the app gradle file needs the androidx dependency. The AppSdk API calls - appInForeground() and appInBackground() will still be respected by AppSdk by executing the old AppSdk flow of handling "app in foreground" and "app in background" states as is.

Using the LifeCycle Extension

The following androidx dependency is required in the app gradle file:

implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.1.0"

If you would like to take advantage of this auto detection feature of AppSdk at the very initial stage (e.g. splash screen or at of app launch time), before the AppSdk is initialized, can do so by calling the following newly introduced AppSdk public api, passing the application context :

public static void registerLifeCycleObserver(Context applicationContext)

Log messages for the new auto detection

When the AppSdk app successfully registers for the LifeCycleObserver : Registered LifeCycleObserver for App Background/Foreground auto-detection

  • When the app enters the foreground state :App is in foreground, auto detected by AppSDK
  • When the app enters the background state :App is in background, auto detected by AppSDK
  • If the client app doesn't have the "androidx" gradle dependency and AppSdk fails to register LifeCycleObserver :AndroidX LifecycleObserver can not be observed. Please use androidx dependency to activate SDK auto-detection of app background/foreground state.
  • When the appInForeground() is explicitly called while LifeCycleObserver auto detection is active :Ignoring the appInBackground() call, as the App Background/Foreground auto-detection is active. The current state is - foreground
  • When the appInBackground() is explicitly called while LifeCycleObserver auto detection is active :Ignoring the appInBackground() call, as the App Background/Foreground auto-detection is active. The current state is - background

The SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class

Foreground/Background state measurement is a requirement of Nielsen AppSDK implementation which is especially crucial for static measurement. It may be implemented in multiple ways for Android. This includes

  • Enable the Nielsen SDK to measure background/foreground state by makingthe relevant update to the AndroidManifest.
  • Integrate Nielsen’s SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class within your Custom Application Class.
  • Custom implementation of the required methods within your application.

ForeGround/Background Measurement via AndroidManifest

The simplest way to measure the app background/foreground state is to add the following application tag to the Manifest XML. Integrating this into the Manifest XML will enable the SDK to measure app state directly. This approach is supported for Android 4.0 and up only; it requires that the application class is not in use for some other purpose.

<application android:name="com.nielsen.app.sdk.AppSdkApplication">

Using the Android SdkBgFbDetectionUtility Class

For developers who are already using the application class, it is recommended that background/foreground state is implemented using the SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class. The SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class is compatible with Android 4+ and has been made available to Nielsen clients. (You will need to copy/paste the code provided into a file).

Manual Background/ForeGround State Management

In cases where the developer is not able to use the AndroidManifest.xml solution nor the Nielsen provided SdkBgFgDetectionUtility class the developer will need to manually identify the change of state through the application and call the respective API (appInForeground() or appInBackground()) to inform the SDK regarding the change of state from background to foreground or foreground to background.

The SDK is informed about app state using the below methods.


Within the lifecycle of individual activities, onResume() and onPause() are best suited to providing indication of the app state.

Correct measurement of the foreground/background state is crucial to Static App measurement within Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (DCR).

SDK Integration Architecture Diagram

For Content Playback

SDK Integration Architecture Diagram - Content

For Ad Playback

SDK Integration Architecture Diagram - Ad

Privacy and Opt-Out

There are two primary methods for implementing user Opt-out preferences:

  1. OS-level Opt-out - managed by Opt out of Ads Personalization setting on device (preferred approach).
  2. User Choice - Direct call to SDK. Can be used without Google Play Services.

Special Note Regarding Apps in the Kids Category

If you are building an app that will be listed in the Kids Category:

  1. Ensure that you are using the NoID version of the Nielsen SDK Framework.
  2. Immediately following the initialization of the Nielsen SDK ensure you call the userOptOut API with Opt out selection:
appSdk.userOptOut("nielsenappsdk://1");  // User opt-out

OS-level Opt-out

OS-level Opt-out method available on Nielsen Android.

The Nielsen SDK automatically leverages the Android's Opt out of Ads Personalization setting. The user is opted out of demographic measurement if the OS-level "Opt out of Ads Personalization" setting is enabled. As a publisher, you cannot override this setting.

Webview Example

The below code is an AndroidX example of displaying the Nielsen Privacy page to the user.

public class OptOutActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements IAppNotifier {

    WebView webView;
    AppSdk appSdk;

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        webView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView);


        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {
                Toast.makeText(OptOutActivity.this, description, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            public void onReceivedError(WebView view, WebResourceRequest req, WebResourceError rerr) {
                // Redirect to deprecated method, so you can use it in all SDK versions
                onReceivedError(view, rerr.getErrorCode(), rerr.getDescription().toString(), req.getUrl().toString());

        NielsenInit nielsenInit = new NielsenInit();       // Initializing the NielsenSDK
        appSdk = nielsenInit.initAppSdk(getApplicationContext(), this);    //Create Instance
        String url = appSdk.userOptOutURLString();   // Request Optout URL from NielsenSDK
        webView.loadUrl(url);                         //Display to the user in a Webview

User Choice

The User Choice method is only necessary when the host application does not leverage Google Play Services.

Nielsen Android SDK and above will check for OS-level opt-out first, if available. The user will be opted out if indicated at the OS-level OR the App-level.

The legacy opt-out method works as follows:

  • Get the current Nielsen opt-out URL via userOptOutURLString()
  • Display a WebView element whose loadUrl is set to the value obtained from userOptOutURLString()
  • Detect if the WebView URL changes to a special URL that indicates Opt-in, or Opt-out and close the WebView
    • Opt-out if the WebView URL = nielsenappsdk://1
    • Opt-in if the WebView URL = nielsenappsdk://0
  • Pass the detected URL to the userOptOut() function
    • Example:
      appSdk.userOptOut("nielsenappsdk://1");  // User opt-out

Legacy Opt Out example code

private class MonitorWebView extends WebViewClient
  private static final String NIELSEN_URL_OPT_OUT = "nielsenappsdk://1";
  private static final String NIELSEN_URL_OPT_IN = "nielsenappsdk://0";
  public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url)
    if (NIELSEN_URL_OPT_OUT.equals(url)
      || NIELSEN_URL_OPT_IN.equals(url))
      // Get AppSdk instance from the host
      AppSdk appSdk = HostApp.getAppSdk();
      // Send the URL to the AppSdk instance
      return true;
    return false;

Retrieve current Opt-Out preference

Whether the user is opted out viaOS-level Opt-out or via App-level Opt-out, the current Opt-Out status as detected by the SDK is available via the getOptOutStatus() property in the Nielsen Android SDK API,

Required Privacy Links

Users must either have access to the "About Nielsen Measurement" page, or have similar text available within the native app. Include "About Nielsen Measurement" and "Your Choices" link in the Privacy Policy / EULA or as a button near the link to the app's Privacy Policy.

In addition, the following text must be included in your app store description.

"Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. Please see http://priv-policy.imrworldwide.com/priv/mobile/us/en/optout.html for more information"

Going Live

Following Nielsen testing, you will need to:

  1. Disable Debug Logging: Disable logging by deleting {nol_sdkDebug: 'DEBUG'} from initialization call.
  2. Notify Nielsen: Once you are ready to go live, let us know so we can enable you for reporting. We will not be able to collect or report data prior to receiving notification from you.

Step 9 : Going Live

After the integration has been certified (but not prior that), disable debug logging by deleting {nol_sdkDebug: "DEBUG"} from initialization call - see Step 2.