iOS SDK App Privacy: Difference between revisions

From Engineering Client Portal

Line 42: Line 42:
| style="background-color:#FFF; color:#1D1D1F;" | Email Address
| style="background-color:#FFF; color:#1D1D1F;" | Email Address
| style="text-align:center; color:#222;" | No
| style="text-align:center; color:#222;" | Yes (Hashed Emails)
| Please work with your Nielsen Technical Account Manager if choosing to append this hashed information to DAR Tag
| style="background-color:#FFF; color:#1D1D1F;" | Phone Number
| style="background-color:#FFF; color:#1D1D1F;" | Phone Number

Revision as of 21:48, 12 May 2022

Engineering Portal / Digital / iOS SDK App Privacy

User Privacy and Data Use

This document is Nielsen Confidential Information and subject to the confidentiality agreements in place between Nielsen and your organization. The information is provided as-is and for general informational purposes only. You are responsible for your own compliance with any laws, regulations or any Apple policies. Please refer to your agreements with Nielsen as necessary.

Last Updated: 3rd February, 2021
Version: 1

As of December 8th, 2020 Apple is requiring that any new apps submitted to the App Store complete an updated submission process that requests information about an app’s privacy practices, including the practices of third-parties whose code may be integrated into an app.

Please refer to Apple’s developer site for more details:

Nielsen has put together this document to make information about Nielsen’s data collection practices available to clients who use the Nielsen Digital SDK and Nielsen tags.

The document is organized using headings of the App privacy details on the App Store (as of December 7th, 2020) webpage for convenience.

Answering app privacy questions

  • Important: This information is provided for convenience only and is only applicable to the Nielsen Digital SDK and/or the Nielsen tag.
  • Clients are responsible for their own apps and their own submissions to the app store.
  • Please refer to Nielsen’s Privacy Statement for Digital Measurement if you would like more information about Nielsen’s data collection practices.

Data Collection

Nielsen as a third-party, provides analytics based reporting services to publisher clients.

Optional Disclosure

Publisher clients collect and pass data to Nielsen for the purpose of advertising measurement and content measurement.

Types of Data

Per the list of data items presented to the publisher during the App certification process on, the following table discloses those data items that Nielsen requests publisher Apps pass to Nielsen.

Data Type Name Collected by
Nielsen Digital?
Contact Info
Name No
Email Address Yes (Hashed Emails) Please work with your Nielsen Technical Account Manager if choosing to append this hashed information to DAR Tag
Phone Number No
Physical Address No
Other User Contact Info No
Health & Fitness
Health No
Fitness No
Financial Info
Payment Info No
Credit Info No
Other Financial Info No
Precise Location No
Coarse Location No
Sensitive Info
Sensitive Info No
Contacts No
User Content
Emails or Text Messages No
Photos or Videos No
Audio Data No
Gameplay Content No
Customer Support No
Other User Content No
Browsing History
Browsing History No
Search History
Search History No
User ID No
Device ID Yes Advertiser ID / IDFA, IDFV
Purchase History No
Usage Data
Product Interaction Yes Private, publisher encoded metadata
representing video content (Program, Episode, Genre, …),
video playback start time, video playback end time
Advertising Data Yes Publisher / advertiser encoded metadata
representing an advertising creative
Other Usage Data Yes IP Address, User Agent,
Nielsen Identifier, Limited Ad Tracking status
Crash Data No
Performance Data No
Other Diagnostic Data No

Data Use

The Data Types identified above as collected by the Nielsen Digital SDK/Nielsen tag are used to measure audience size. The collection of this data enables the creation of research insights, including the composition of the audience in aggregate by age & gender demographics that viewed a piece of content and / or ad creative.

Tools and methods are used to make sure that there is no reasonable possibility of identifying users from the reports and insights created. The data types identified above as collected are combined with data collected from other sources to produce aggregate reports from which individual users or personal information cannot be identified; if it is not aggregated, we take steps to make sure that there is no reasonable possibility of re-identification.

Data linked to the user

Data may be matched with data collected from Nielsen panelists or other companies that recognize their own users or that collect data about consumers generally. When the data we collect is combined with the data collected from other sources it is used to produce aggregated reports from which users cannot be uniquely identified; if it is not aggregated, we take steps to make sure there is no reasonable possibility of re-identification.


Nielsen uses Device ID (Data Type Name) during the process of measuring audience size. Please see the Data Use section above for more detail.

Privacy Links

Nielsen’s Privacy Statement for Digital Measurement can be found here: Digital Measurement Privacy Statement – Nielsen

If you wish to embed a link to Nielsen’s Privacy Statement then please contact Nielsen client service for more further guidance.

This document is Nielsen Confidential Information and subject to the confidentiality agreements in place between Nielsen and your organization. The information is provided as-is and for general informational purposes only. You are responsible for your own compliance with any laws, regulations or any Apple policies. Please refer to your agreements with Nielsen as necessary.