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== Nielsen Privacy Requirements ==
== Nielsen Privacy Requirements ==
Privacy protections that Nielsen ensures to have with each App SDK integration are as follows.
Privacy protections that Nielsen ensures to have with each App SDK integration are as follows.
*Disclosure of viewership data collection in app store description
*Disclosure of viewership data collection in EULA / Privacy Policy
*Disclosure of viewership data collection in EULA / Privacy Policy
*A link in the EULA/Privacy policy, or in another conspicuous location within the App, to a Nielsen-hosted web page outlining what Nielsen is collecting and how it is being used
*A link in the EULA/Privacy policy, or in another conspicuous location within the App, to a Nielsen-hosted web page outlining what Nielsen is collecting and how it is being used

Revision as of 18:39, 4 April 2023

Engineering Portal / Digital / Browser SDK API Reference

Setting up Development Environment

Step 1: Configure Content Management System (CMS)

Configure CMS to send the required values (see table below). Any internal CMS_variable names can be used for passing the data.

Ensure to capture these CMS_variable names in the SDK Configuration Form.

For more information on setting variable names, see the SDK Configuration Form included within the SDK package.

Required Data Description Value
dataSrc Used when both CMS metadata and ID3 data are present in the player. Setting this field tells the SDK whether to use the CMS metadata or the ID3 payload to derive the pings cms
type Type of asset: ad or content preroll, midroll, postroll, or content
assetid unique ID assigned to asset custom
(no Special Characters)
OCR Tag OCR tag provided by Nielsen for implementation on the ad unit Complete OCR URL
program Name of program (25 character limit) custom
title Episode title (40 character limit) custom
length Length of content in seconds Length in seconds, 0 for live stream
adloadtype Type of ad load "1" - Linear "2" - Dynamic(default)
hasAds Identify if content includes Ads "0" - no ads "1" - includes ads "2" - unknown(default)
isfullepisode Full episode flag "y" - full episode "n" - non full episode
segA Segment A (this is not available for video reporting as the episode title is reported) custom value
segB Custom segment B custom value
segC Custom segment C custom value
crossId1 Standard episode ID custom value
crossId2 Content originator (required only for distributors) custom value
airdate Original air date and time in Eastern Time. For non-US countries, it should be local time. YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS
containerId HTML DOM element of the Player container (for Viewability&Audibility feature only) custom value

Step 2: Complete the Nielsen SDK Configuration Form

The SDK is designed to map the CMS_variable names. To support the custom mapping, the developer is required to complete the SDK Configuration Form. The form will be provided during onboarding along with this guide.


Obtain the Nielsen Application ID (apid) and Browser SDK URLs

The Nielsen apid is required to enable SDK functionality. Technical Account Manager will provide an apid for each player configuration. Browser SDK can support URLs that use any of the protocols – HTTPS and HTTP.

Configure Browser SDK

There are two steps required for configuring the SDK:

Add Static Queue Snippet

  • Add Static Queue Snippet
  • Create SDK Instance

Add the following script tag to the website:

<script type="text/javascript">
     return s=t.document,

The static queue snippet allows the SDK APIs to be called while the actual SDK and configuration file are still being downloaded. As the queue can capture all API calls before the download completes, there is no wait time. Once the SDK is available, the API calls will transition from directing to the queue to the SDK seamlessly.

Create SDK Instance

To initialize the SDK, create an SDK instance by making the initialization call:

Initialization API Call

NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("<apid>", "<instanceName>",{nol_sdkDebug: "debug"})

When creating an instance, pass the following three values:

SDK Initialization – Global Parameters

Parameters Description Value
apid UniqueID assigned to player/site. 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'
instanceName Name of SDK instance "any string value"
nol_sdkDebug Enables Nielsen console logging. Only required for testing "{nol_sdkDebug: "debug"})"
containerId HTML DOM element id of the player container. Only for Viewability & Audibility feature. {containerId: "playerId1"}

Example SDK Initialization

var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "nlsnInstance", {nol_sdkDebug: "debug"});

Note: The debug parameter, nol_sdkDebug, is only used for testing and should be removed before moving to production. The output is displayed in console debuggers when enabled..

When the initialization call is made, a unique static configuration file, <apid>.js, will be downloaded based on the apid and will be cached on the user’s browser.

Once the configuration is downloaded, the SDK itself will be downloaded and initialized. All SDK modules are included in one file: “nlsSDK601.bundle.min.js”.

Example SDK Configuration

The configuration should include the Static Queue Snippet and an SDK Instance for an unique App ID as shown in the example:

<script type="text/javascript">
     return s=t.document,
  // Created SDK Instance
  var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX","nlsnInstance", {nol_sdkDebug: "debug"});

SDK Initialization to measure the Viewability & Audibility

To support viewability metrics in the web page the integrator has to provide a tag value of the player view to let Nielsen SDK know that there is a player that needs to be tracked. It’s called the ‘containerId’ and it should be passed in the as string while initializing the Nielsen browser SDK.

NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("<apid>", "<instanceName>",{containerId: <playerElementID>, nol_sdkDebug: "debug"})

Example SDK Initialization for Viewability

Your configuration should include the Static Queue Snippet and an SDK Instance for your unique App ID as shown in the example:

//Add Static Queue Snippet
    ! function(t, n) {
        t[n] = t[n] || {
            nlsQ: function(e, o, c, r, s, i) {
                return s = t.document,
                    r = s.createElement("script"),
                    r.async = 1,
                    r.src = ("http:" === t.location.protocol ? "http:" : "https:") + "//" + e + ".js#name=" + o + "&ns=" + n,
                    i = s.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],
                    i.parentNode.insertBefore(r, i),
                    t[n][o] = t[n][o] || {
                        g: c || {},
                        ggPM: function(e, c, r, s, i) {
                            (t[n][o].q = t[n][o].q || []).push([e, c, r, s, i])
                    }, t[n][o]
    (window, "NOLBUNDLE");

//Create SDK Instance
var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "nlsnInstance", {containerId: player1, nol_sdkDebug: "debug"});

Browser SDK API Methods & Properties

Method / Property Event # DTVR DAR DCR Description
loadMetadata (Browser) 15 Used when there is a preroll ad that needs to be associated with content metadata. The loadMetadata will first be called to populate the content metadata values and then the loadMetadata for ad metadata will be called. This allows sending a content ping with the ad info, even if the user bails out during the preroll ad.
play (Browser) 5 Used when there is an ID3 fed product such as DTVR and the client does not want to send in all the CMS metadata that is sent in loadMetadata. This allows the client to send in at least the required “channel name” value associated to the ID3 feed. When the client passes in the channelName, they can change the CMS data stored by passing new values. If this event is not called then the “channel name” value populated will be the default value of “defaultChannelName”.
sendID3 (Browser) 55 Used to send the ID3 metadata.
setPlayheadPosition (Browser) 49 Used to send the playhead position.
stop (Browser) 7 Used when switching between ad and content or content and ad.
end (Browser) 57 This is triggered 1) at the end of the content stream, 2) if the user switches to another piece of content 3) when the browser is refreshed or closed
staticstart (Browser) 14 Used to send the metadata for the static page.
updateOTT (Browser) - Used to notify Browser SDK that the remote OTT device (like Google ChromeCast, Roku, Amazon FireTV, etc.) is connected / disconnected (change of OTT status).
onPaginate (Browser) 30 Used to create a new instance of the SDK object
updateMetadata (Browser) 35 This event is used for updating metadata parameters for the content or ad that is being played.
setVolume (Browser) 61 Used to pass in the player volume levels in % (applicable to Audibility feature only). Default value is -1.

Retrieving ID3 Tags

The video player must have the ability to extract ID3 tags and supply them to the Browser SDK, based on the HLS standard.

  • An ID3 tag spans two PES packets.
    • In the first PES packet, look for, this is the start of the ID3 tag. Continue to parse the first PES packet until the undefined char "\ufffd" is found. This forms the first half of the ID3 tag
    • In the second PES packet, identify the end pattern – a regEx of /(\/\d+){3}/ and look to remove the lowest index of either "\x00" and/or "\ufffd". Now the second packet has been appended and the demarcation of the Nielsen-specific data has been defined.

Follow the procedure below, to extract Nielsen ID3 tags from an MPEG-2 transport stream (including HLS streams).

  1. Parse the Program Map Table (PMT) to find the PID of the metadata stream. Confirm the presence of the metadata descriptor described in section 2.3.3 of Apple’s “HTTP Live Streaming Metadata Spec.pdf”. Only private streams with metadata descriptor present should be considered as ID3-tag metadata streams.
  2. Parse the HLS/Transport stream for any PES header with the PID found in step 1.
  3. Follow standard MPEG-2 parsing procedures to locate the start of the payload of the PES packet.
  4. Copy the PES payload into a buffer.
  5. The ID3 tag spans 2 PES packets. Parse the stream for the next packet whose PID is set to the PID found in step 1. Typically the ID3 Tag is of 249 bytes. The steps below guide towards extraction of the ID3 tag
    1. In the first PES packet, look for "" , this is the start of the ID3 tag. Keep on parsing the first PES packet until the undefined char "\ufffd" is found. This forms the first half of the ID3 tag
    2. In the second PES packet, identify the end pattern, a regEx of /(\/\d+){3}/ and look to remove the lowest index of either “\x00” and/or “\ufffd”. Now the second packet has been appended and the demarcation of the Nielsen specific data has been defined. This segment can be simply substringed.
    3. Concatenate this substringed segment with the payload derived from the first packet get the ID3 payload.
  6. Check the length of the contents in the buffer to make sure that it is equal to the size of a Nielsen ID3 tag.
  7. Ensure that the ID3 byte array is converted into the string and escape it, so that the SDK can consume it.

Repeat steps 2 through 7 for all ID3 tags in the stream.


Sample ID3 tags


Note: ID3 tags are not applicable for International (Germany)

Browser Opt-Out Implementation

The site in which video content is being measure via Nielsen methodology must provide the means for the user to opt-out of, or opt back into Nielsen Measurement.

For Browser-based applications, opt-out setting is stored via Nielsen cookie. Therefore, it is only necessary that users be made aware of measurement opt-out by incorporating the template below in the user interface.

Sample Opt Out Template

Our properties may feature Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which will allow to contribute to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. To learn more about this information, see Nielsen’s software may collect your choices with regards to it.

Nielsen Privacy Requirements

Privacy protections that Nielsen ensures to have with each App SDK integration are as follows.

  • Disclosure of viewership data collection in EULA / Privacy Policy
  • A link in the EULA/Privacy policy, or in another conspicuous location within the App, to a Nielsen-hosted web page outlining what Nielsen is collecting and how it is being used
  • Method for users to opt-out of Nielsen measurement, any time while using the application

Ratings Data Flow

Every view of creditable and watermarked content is measured by Nielsen. RatingsDataFlow.png

Information NOT Shared

  • With Nielsen
    • User's Identity
  • With Data Provider
    • Content information
    • Whether user is viewing an ad or video content
    • Player used to play the streaming (audio / video, etc.)
    • Values being de-duped / aggregating for

Nielsen collects only what it needs for audience measurement. Every view of creditable, watermarked content will be measured by Nielsen.

Data Collected

Type of Information Parameter Transmitted to Nielsen? Sent to Provider?
Nielsen ID3 Watermark
FinalDistributor Timestamp Yes No
Program Content Timestamp Yes No
Mobile Breakout Code Yes No
Commercial Credit Code – Linear or Dynamic Yes No
Time ShiftedViewing Code Yes No
Segment Number Yes No
Segment View Pattern Yes No
Device/App Info
Device OSVersion Yes Yes
Device Model Yes No
Cache Buster Yes Yes
SDKDisabled Flag Yes No
ServerCode Yes No
Channel or URL Yes No
Nielsen Identifiers
Client ID Yes No
Campaign ID Yes Yes
Nielsen Unique Device ID Yes No
Application ID Yes No
DeviceGroup (ex. Tablet, Smartphone, Desktop) Yes Yes
OS Group (ex. Android, iOS, Windows) Yes Yes
SDKVersion Yes No
IP Address for DMA, Country Code Yes Yes

Note: Data is hashed, and encrypted using AES 128 before transmission to data provider.

Example ping sent to provider


This ping passes the following parameters to the provider:

  • Campaign ID – (campaign, placement, creative)
  • Country Code
  • DMA
  • OS Group (ex. iOS, Android)
  • DeviceOS Version
  • Device Advertiser ID
  • DeviceGroup (ex. Tablet, Smartphone, Desktop)
  • Cache Buster

Privacy and Opt-Out

There are two primary methods for implementing user Opt-out preferences:

  1. User Opt Out - Provide a link to the Nielsen Privacy Policy page when a User can make their selection
  2. Initialization Opt Out - Global OptOut Parameter

User Opt Out

The site must provide a means for the user to opt-out of, or opt back into, Nielsen Measurement. A user can opt-out if they would prefer not to participate in any Nielsen online measurement research. To implement the User Opt-Out option, include the following two items in your privacy policy.

  • A notice that the player (or page in relation to static measurement) includes proprietary measurement software that allows users to contribute to market research (such as Nielsen TV Ratings).
  • A link to the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at

On the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy page, users can click Choices to read more detailed information about the measurement software, learn about their options with regard to Nielsen measurement, and, if they do not want to participate in Nielsen online measurement, click a link to receive an opt-out cookie.

  • Once users have opted out via this link, their browser cookies will contain the value TOTAL_OPTOUT. This will prevent a redirect to our data provider from occurring
  • Users can opt back in via this link. When a user selects that link, their opt-out cookie will be deleted and they will be able to be measured moving forward.

The following paragraph is a template for a Privacy Statement.

The properties may feature Nielsen proprietary measurement software, which will allow users to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen TV Ratings. To learn more about the information that Nielsen software may collect and your choices with regard to it, please see the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at

User Opt Back In

Once users have opted-out, they can choose to opt back into Nielsen Measurement at anytime by selecting the opt back in link on the Nielsen Digital Privacy Policy page. When a user selects the link, their opt-out cookie will be deleted and they will be able to be measured.

Initialization Opt Out

The BSDK600 now supports the ability to optout on initialization of the SDK by allowing an optout global parameter to be passed. This optout will be maintained through the session of the SDK instance. Specifications and limitations are specified below.

Type Supported Values Notes Optout
optout True, Yes, or 1 Case is insensitive and can be string or bool

Example: nlsQ("XXXXXXXX-BH45-JKY6-BKH7-67GJKY68GJK7", "myInstance", { optout: true});

Ping parameter will set uoo=true.
optout False, No, or 0 Case is insensitive and can be string or bool

Example: nlsQ("XXXXXXXX-BH45-JKY6-BKH7-67GJKY68GJK7", "myInstance", { optout: false});

Ping parameter will set uoo to blank.

Example of using OptOut

var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "nlsnInstance", {
  nol_sdkDebug: "debug",
  optout: "true"

Opt Out Overview

Browser Cookie uoo value in session ping Final Optout Status
Default Value no uoo value or uoo=0 Not Opted Out
Default Value uoo=1 Opted Out
TOTAL_OPTOUT uoo=0 Opted Out
TOTAL_OPTOUT uoo=1 Opted Out

Opt-Out Implementation

The site must provide the means for the user to opt-out of, or opt back into Nielsen Measurement.

Sample Opt Out Template

Our properties may feature Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which will allow to contribute to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. To learn more about this information, please click here. Nielsen’s software may collect your choices with regards to it.


See Digital Measurement Testing - Testing Browser Implementation.