Nielsen Digital Measurement and iOS17 or TVOS17

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Engineering Portal / Digital / DCR & DTVR / Nielsen Digital Measurement and iOS17 or TVOS17

Please note: this page will be updated as more information becomes available from Apple


Beginning with iOS/tvOS 17, Apple is adding several requirements for App developers around tracking, use of Identifier For Advertisers (IDFA), and certain system APIs as detailed below:

App Privacy Manifest

  • App privacy manifest files must be updated before submitting apps to the App Store.
    • Declare collection/use of user tracking information - app developers/third-party SDKs will be required to list domains that are used to send messages containing the user's device ID (IDFA).
    • Required Reason API - Apple is requiring reasons for apps' usage of certain system APIs that retrieve information about the device or state of some system metrics.

App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Framework

When users select "Ask App Not to Track" from the ATT popup, the operating system will behave differently from previous iOS/tvOS versions:

  • In iOS/tvOS versions lower than 17, when "Ask App Not to Track" was selected, apps were blocked from reading the device's IDFA and measurement would be transmitted with a blank device ID.
  • With iOS/tvOS 17, if the user selects "Ask App Not to Track", third-party SDKs will not only be blocked from reading the IDFA, the SDKs will also be blocked from sending http(s) traffic to domains declared as "tracking domains" in the SDK's privacy manifest file. This will prevent typical measurement pings from going out and will impact volumetric measurement for your apps.

A new release of the AppSDK (v9.2) aims to address this requirement through explicit distinction of tracking versus non-tracking traffic through the use of 2 domains as described below:

  • When a user has opted in (Allow Tracking), measurement data pings will continue to be sent to the domain with the available IDFA.
  • When a user has opted out (Ask App Not to Track) or with an unknown status, all the measurement data pings will be sent to the non-tracking domain These pings will not contain any IDFA tracking.

Next Steps

  1. Move to the latest Nielsen AppSDK release for builds targeting iOS 17 with Xcode 15. Upgrading to the new build of the Digital SDKs should be straightforward through your build configuration. AppSDKs remain backwards compatible and would not require any further integration changes. Please refer to the Integration guide section for further details.
  2. To be decided if the privacy manifest needs to be modified. For coexisting DAR pixel and Digital SDK integrations please reach out to your Nielsen Client Engineer to determine the path forward.
  3. Work with your Nielsen Client Engineer once implemented to ensure proper measurement.

Technical Details

Technical details about the upcoming iOS/tvOS AppSDK release for Nielsen client app developers can be found here: DCR_and_DTVR_with_iOS17_or_TVOS17

This page will be updated as more information becomes available.