Sweden SDK Metadata

From Engineering Client Portal

Engineering Portal / Digital / International DCR / Sweden SDK Metadata

Digital Metadata

Digital Metadata can pass through key values using the Nielsen reserved keys. The keys and values are listed by the product below.
Section 1 focuses on the content metadata
Section 2 focuses on the Ad metadata.

Note: All metadata values should be passed as UTF-8 strings.

Content Metadata

Nielsen Key MMS Attribute Name, MMS Field Name Description Values Required
type type of asset "content"
userid the user login ID. Used by MMS reach model. The uploaded value needs to be hashed with SHA512. This is the user login ID on player. We prefer a numeric value. (please do not use user email address) "fbd1a7a7d672a5fcf5cf5c55d8d9d0abbe3a4e0fa..." required if login feature
assetid Content ID, mms_tid unique ID assigned to an asset within the same media house. (max: 20 characters).

In addition to this metadata for content needs to be reported to MMS via TitleService. Contact online@mms.se for more information.

For VoD use internal format. No special characters
For content on simulcast channels, this has a standard format: simulcast_channelnumber (Example for Channel TV4, the expected value is: simulcast_29).
A complete list of channel reference libraries with channel numbers is on the MMS homepage tab "referensbandade kanaler".

length Clip Length, ns_st_cl length of content in seconds Length of content in seconds.
  • for VoD, video length
  • for event-Live stream, the planned length.
  • for simulcast and 24/7 live stream, 86400
clientpassparam MMS Values, mms_values pass-through parameters For clients that provide DAI (dynamic ad insertion) service, this has a standard format: origcode=channelnumber.

Example: origcode=29 See the complete list of channel reference library with the channel number on MMS homepage tab "referensbandade kanaler".
Please use string, JSON format is not accepted.
Length limit: 250 characters. A longer string may be truncated due to URL length limitation.

required for clients that have DAI service (Telia, Telenor, Allente, Comhem, Boxer, Sappa, Discovery, Cmore)
program Program Name, ns_st_pr program name custom example: leif-och-billy

Leave blank for simulcast.
Please restrain from using special characters like "/" or ";"

title Episode Name, ns_st_ep episode name custom example: en-ny-tjej-i-byn

Leave blank for simulcast.
Please restrain from using special characters like "/" or ";"

playlisttitle Title Playlist, ns_st_pl playlist reference as a string string value with playlist name for example: barn
ispremiumcontent MMS Premium, mms_premium identify premium level via yes or no "yes" or "no"
isautoplay Auto Start, mms_auto identify if autoplay is enabled on the video "yes" or "no"
plugv Player Version, ns_st_mv player version. increment by 1 for each new version. alphanumeric example: 1.0.1
playerv Mediaplayer, ns_st_mp player identifier alphanumeric example: HTML5, JW Player, Sonic

Example of metadata object for content:

var contentMetadataObject = {
  type: "content", 
  userid: "fbd1a7a7d672a5fcf5cf5c55d8d9d0abbe3a4e0fa…", 
  assetid: "simulcast_29",
  length: "3359", //seconds
  clientpassparam: "origcode=29",
  program: "leif-och-billy",
  title: "en-ny-tjej-i-byn",
  playlisttitle: "barn",
  ispremiumcontent: "yes",
  isautoplay: "yes",
  plugv: "1.0.1",
  playerv: "Sonic"

Ad Metadata

Nielsen Key MMS Attribute Name, MMS Field Name Description Values Required
type Ad Type, ns_st_ad type of ad "preroll", "midroll", "postroll", "ad" if specific ad type cannot be identified.
assetid Film Code, mms_customadid custom Ad ID Film code/Copy code.

Custom examples: S1MYME202B, 51TRER1001, H1KYLE3032, E1UMBR1001

In case of no Film Code is available, use the string "empty".

For programmatic ads that you are sending "programmatic" as Film Code today, use "programmatic_{current UTC time in epoch form}".

length Clip Length, ns_st_cl length of ad in seconds Length of ad in seconds.
isprogrammatic Programmatic, mms_programmatic identify if the ad is bought prommatic. "yes" or "no"
isthirdpartyad MMS Thirdparty, mms_thirdparty identify if the ad is from third party ad server "yes" or "no"
adplatformorigin MMS Origin, mms_origin identify where an ad is originated. It is used when isprogrammatic=yes or isthirdpartyad=yes. custom examples: Smartclip, YuMe
adidx Position in Break, ns_st_an placement in ad break. It is passed by ad servers. Custom with the following format:

{ad placement}/{total number of ads in an ad break}

Example: 2/5, the second ad in an ad break with 5 ads.

ad_campaign MMS Ad campaign ID, campaign_id campaign ID of an Ad custom string value containing in general letters and digits

Example of metadata object for Ad:

var prerollMetadataObject = {
  type: "preroll",
  assetid: "E1UMBR1001", 
  length: "30", //seconds
  isprogrammatic: "yes",
  isthirdpartyad: "yes",
  adplatformorigin: "YuMe",
  adidx: "1/5"