DAR Mobile Attributes Requirements

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Engineering Portal / Digital / Digital Ad Ratings / DAR Mobile Attributes Requirements


Currently, Nielsen’s DAR tags are well supported online via browser-based viewing on PCs, MACs, and tablets/smartphones. However, when ads are served to tablets/smartphones via native app-store applications, additional attributes are needed in order for Nielsen clients to employ Nielsen’s mobile DAR (mDAR) measurement product.

One way Nielsen clients can accomplish this is by the use of Nielsen’s native iOS/Android App SDK. Nielsen’s App SDK automatically adds these additional mobile attributes to mDAR measurement pings that are sent to Nielsen’s collection system. However, there is a significant portion of the mobile application universe where it is either not feasible, or desirable to integrate Nielsen’s native App SDK into 3rd party applications.

This document describes additional attributes that must be added to DAR pings to create mDAR-compliant tags by way of a server-side macro replacement. This method is often referred to as Nielsen’s “non-SDK” DAR solution. Nielsen envisions that these attributes be added by ad networks when they respond to ad requests from client mobile devices.

To support the insertion of the Advertising ID, it is assumed that you have published a specification that app publishers follow to pass the appropriate Advertising ID (for example, IDFA) in the Ad request URL. Typically, your Ad server will expand a macro that grabs that ID seen in the Ad request URL and pass it via the DAR pixel outlined below. See #Appendix A: Example Implementation.

Finally, once you have completed your integration, you will be required to submit to a short certification. See #Appendix B: Implementation, Testing & Certification. Certification also grants inclusion to the approved publisher and platform vendor list.

Additional DAR Tag Parameters for Mobile Description Mandatory?
&c7 OS Grouping
&c8 Device Grouping
&c9 Advertising ID
&c10 Platform
&c12 App Version
&c13 AppID (Nielsen assigned App ID)
&c14 OS Version
&uoo Opt-out indicator

Note: Clients are encouragesd to make an effort to always fill-in optional parameters. Note: Do not URL encode the values.

C7 - OS Grouping (Optional)

Valid device OS Grouping data values are the following literal values:

  • osgrp,IOS
  • osgrp,DROID
  • osgrp,ANDROID

Note: If one of the above values cannot be specific, then the parameter should not be included int he call.

C8 - Device Grouping

Valid literal values for phone, tablet, portable media player (iPod) and unknown are as follows:

  • devgrp,PHN
  • devgrp,TAB
  • devgrp,PMP
  • devgrp,UNWN
  • devgrp,DSK

Note: If one of the above values cannot be specific, then the parameter should not be included in the call or should be left empty

C9 - Advertising ID

This is the advertiser ID for the client’s mobile device. IDFA for iOS, Google Advertising ID for Android:

  • devid,<IDFA>
  • devid,<IFA>
  • devid,<Google Advertising ID>

Note: For Android devices, the Google Advertiser ID should be used as the default and the Android ID as the second option. Note: If C9 is <empty>, upon receiving the ping, the Nielsen collection server will attempt a 302 redirect to the data provider per the regular DAR pixel for browsers.

As of August 1, 2014, Google is enforcing use of the Advertising ID for advertising and user analytics (http://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy.html).

"Beginning August 1st 2014, all updates and new apps uploaded to the Play Store must use the advertising ID (when available on a device) in lieu of any other device identifiers for any advertising purposes."

It is preferred that the IDFA or Google Advertising ID be sent as is from the mobile device (“cleartext”). However, if mandated, we will support SHA256 hashed values with no-salt. Passing a hashed value (and/or salting) using any other standard will result in a failed match by the data provider upon receiving the ping. In turn, this results in impressions surfacing in the DAR unmeasurable audience totals. Please contact Nielsen if you anticipate a large percentage of hashed values coming in from your publisher clients.

Privacy, Ad Tracking, and Ad Targeting

In newer iterations of the iOS and Android device operating systems, a facility exists allowing users to “opt-out” of “Ad Tracking”. It is Nielsen’s interpretation that this setting is primarily designed to allow users to specify opt-out of Ad Targeting rather than Ad Measurement. DAR does not provide Ad Targeting data.

However, it is also Nielsen’s position that the publisher or Ad network should provide a mechanism to also allow a user to opt-out of Ad Measurement. The Nielsen SDK will honor the Nielsen Ad Measurement opt-out settings configurable @ http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/campaigns/privacy-policy-opt-out.html.

However if the integration approach described in this document is being used instead of the Nielsen SDK then YOU as the publisher or Ad network must provide a capability to opt-out of Ad Measurement as the configuration on www.nielsen.com will not be detectable. You may elect to interpret the iOS / Android “Ad Tracking” setting for the purpose of limit Ad measurement or provide a separate discreet mechanism to allow a user to opt-out of Ad measurement.

Please see &uoo later in this document for implementation details of the optout indicator.

For additional clarification on privacy policy, please contact your Nielsen representative.

C10 - Platform

To determine this value, Nielsen suggests that the ad network leverage user agent information to determine if the client device is either a mobile or desktop device.

Valid literal values for mobile and desktop data values are as follows:

  • plt,MBL
  • plt,DSK

Note: If one of the above values cannot be specific, then the parameter should not be included in the call or should be left empty.

C12 - App Version (Optional)

This is the version of the ad network system software or SDK that is implemented in this extension. Although this field is not required, this feature can be useful for troubleshooting purposes following deployment.

  • apv,<N.N>

C13 - AppID

This Nielsen provided ID is unique to the ad network and is required for certification.


An App ID will be provided for testing. A separate App ID will be provided for production use. Please request from your Nielsen representative.

Note: If you are a publisher leveraging the non-SDK solution, you will be provided with a unique App ID for each combination of app and device OS type.

C14 - OS Version (Optional)

Operating system version

  • osver,<OS Version>

Example: for iOS -> 7.0.4

UOO - Opt Out (Optional)

Opt-out parameter

  • <Boolean state>

<Boolean state> is a Boolean representation of whether the user is opting out or not.

The absence of uoo in the tag is interpreted as an implicit opt-in. i.e. not opting out.

The following pairings of opt-out are supported. Important: you must choose one set of paired values only and inform your Nielsen representative.

Opt-out Opt-in
uoo=true uoo=false
uoo=1 uoo=0
uoo=yes uoo=no

Note: if your Ad server is not capable os supporting the discrete &uoo parameter then you can set the c9 value to devid,optout (for example …&c8=PHN&c9=devid,optout&c10=MBL…)

Examples of DAR and mDAR Tags

For each of the tag examples detailed below, we can support both unsecure (http) and secure (https) flavors.

Important note: the values in the following tags are for illustrative purposes only. Please contact your Nielsen representative for specific parameter values for your use of DAR.

Test and Certification

  • http://secure-cert.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn12452&cr=crtve&pc=%3cclientname%3e_plc0001&ce=%3cclientname%3e&c7=osgrp


  • http://secure-gl.imrworldwide.com/cgibin/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn12452&cr=crtve&pc=<clientname>_plc0001&ce=<clientname>&c7=osgrp,IOS&c8=devgrp,TAB&c9=devid,XXXX-XX-XXXXX-XXXX&c10=plt,MBL &c12=apv,AppVersion&c13=asid,NIELSEN-PROVIDEDID&c14=osver,7.0.4&uoo=1&r=[timestamp]

Standard DAR tag (for information and completeness)

  • http://secure-gl.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=nlsnci535&am=3&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=nlsn12452&cr=crtve&pc=%3cclientname%3e_plc0001&ce=%3cclientname%3e&uoo=1&r=%5btimestamp

Appendix A: Example Implementation

In the below examples, you will see the overall DAR flow (Figure 1) and a detailed illustrative Ad Request / Response model (Figure 2).

Figure 1 – End to End Data Flow

mDAR Dataflow.png Nielsen certified publishers and platforms will append the new parameters (below) with the appropriate URL safe values passed to Nielsen’s current DAR tag. The current DAR tag should be acquired using the existing processes for each campaign/placement.


Figure 2 – Illustrative Ad Request / Ad Response

The below is an example of how an Ad server is supporting the build of mobile DAR tags for its publisher clients. Step 2 in figure 1 is a summary of steps 1 and 2 in figure 2 below. Steps 3 and 4 in figure 1 is a summary of steps 3 through 9 in figure 2 below.

ad response.png

Appendix B: Implementation, Testing & Certification

Once you have integrated the ping per the above specs, Nielsen requires you to pass through a one-time certification before traffic can be accepted into the production environment.

The overall process is:

  1. Valid DAR contract or NDA is in place.
  2. Kick-off meeting with Nielsen onboarding team.
  3. Confirm meet minimums testing requriements:-
    1. Host Ad/Tag for in-app delivery
    2. Can pass opt-out back to Nielsen
    3. Can pass Device ID in cleartext or SHA-256
  4. Nielsen provides the mDAR testing form that includes the test App ID and the test tag
  5. Implement the specification and provide Nielsen the completed testing form.
  6. Identify the live campaigns for intial testing and run the test tag; suggest 5,000-10,000 impressions.
  7. Nielsen validates the data received from the test and confirms the initial test successful and provides the production App ID.
    1. Goal is to test that all minimum requirements in step 3 are confirmed passed to Nielsen with no issues.
  8. Ensure contracts are in place for external test campaign with Nielsen Client Service team.
  9. Identify another live campaigns for production testing with production tag and app ID.
  10. Nielsen validates the data received from the final test and confirms certification for any DAR countries tested.
    1. Goal to test in full DAR E2E environment, receive matches from data provider for demographics and correct identification of mobile impressions.