DCR Video Android SDK

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Revision as of 22:06, 8 November 2017 by RyanCarlson (talk | contribs) (adloadtype)

Engineering Portal / Digital / DCR & DTVR / DCR Video Android SDK


To start using the App SDK, the following details are required:

  • App ID (appid): Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product.
  • sfcode: Unique identifier for the environment that the SDK should point to.
  • Nielsen SDK and Sample Player: A part of the downloaded package

If you do not have any of these pre-requisites or if you have any questions, please contact our SDK sales support team. Refer to Digital Measurement Onboarding guide for more information on how to get a Nielsen App SDK and appid.

Import Library

Refer to Android SDK API Reference - Setting Up Development Environment for information on importing libraries.

  • The latest version of App SDK allows instantiating multiple instances of App SDK object and can be used simultaneously without any issues.

Note: The latest version of App SDK contains only appsdk.jar file and does not feature any native shared libraries like libAppSdk.so.

Initialize SDK

Initialize App SDK as soon as the application is launched. Refer to Android SDK API Reference - Initialization for details on initializing an AppSDK object and the parameters required.

Configure API calls


Use play() to pass the channel descriptor information through channelName parameter when the user taps the Play button on the player.


Use loadMetadata() to pass 'content' and 'ad' Digital Measurement Metadata. The CMS data must be passed as a JSON object.

    loadMetadata(JSONObject jsonMetadata);

Refer to Digital Measurement Metadata section for the list of parameters to be passed in the JSON string.

Note: The loadMetadata() call after the first play() call must have 'content' details ("type": "content"). This call should occur before any preroll ad starts playing.

setPlayheadPosition (Content)

Use setPlayheadPosition() to pass the position of the playhead while the content is being played.

    public AppSdk setPlayheadPosition(long position)

# Key Description Values Required? (Y/N) Example
1 Live** UTC of the live content Client-defined Yes Seconds since 1970
2 Video On Demand (VOD)** Position taken from beginning of the content in seconds. Client-defined Yes Current player position from beginning of the content.

**Only one of these parameters is mandatory

Note: If playhead is not available from audio / video measurement, allow the app to start a timer (1-5 seconds) and send playhead position to SDK based on the timer event. Once the actual playhead is available, let the app send the proper playhead position. This allows the SDK to calculate and provide a closer value for duration.

Buffering state

  • Do not supply playhead position while the content is being buffered.
  • If the content is in buffering state continuously for more than 30 seconds, call the stop() API.

Live Content

    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
   long pos = (c.getTimeInMillis()/ 1000);
   if (mAppSdk != null)

On-demand Content

    long pos = mPlayer.videoPosition() / 1000;
   if (mAppSdk != null)

setPlayheadPosition (Ad)

Use setPlayheadPosition() to pass the position of the playhead while the advertisement is being played.

    public AppSdk setPlayheadPosition(long position)
Key Description Values Required? (Y/N) Example
Ad Position taken from beginning of the ad in seconds Client-defined Yes Seconds since start of the ad

Ad Content

    long pos = mAdPlayer.videoPosition() / 1000;
   if (mAppSdk != null)

Note: The playhead positions for ad and content should be maintained separately.


Call stop() only at the end of ad and when the stream playback is stopped by a user or an interruption from another event. Common events are; network loss, power / standby, incoming call, alarm, etc. Call stop() only when buffering continues for 30 seconds (not when it starts). Call loadMetadata() and setPlayheadPosition() when a previously stopped stream resumes. Call play() when starting playback of a new stream.


Call end() only at the end of playback.

API Call sequence

Use Case 1: Content has no Advertisements

Call play() with channelName JSON as below.

   "channelName": "TheMovieTitle"

Call loadMetadata() with JSON metadata for content as below.

  "type": "content",
  "assetid": "vid345-67483",
  "program": "ProgramName",
  "title": "Program S3, EP1",
  "length": "3600",
  "segB": "CustomSegmentValueB",
  "segC": "CustomSegmentValueC",
  "crossId1": "Reference11",
  "crossId2": "Reference22",
  "isfullepisode": "y",
  "airdate": "20161013 20:00:00",
  "adloadtype": "2",

Call setPlayheadPosition() every one second until a pause / stop. Use the sample API sequence below as a reference to identify the specific events that need to be called during content playback without ads.

Type Sample code Description
Start of stream mAppSdk.play(channelName); // channelName contains JSON metadata of channel/video name being played
mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
Content mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
End of Stream mAppSdk.end(); // Content playback is completed.

Use Case 2: Content has Advertisements

Call play() with channelName JSON as below.

   "channelName": "TheMovieTitle"

Call loadMetadata() with JSON metadata for ad as below.

   "type": "preroll",
   "assetid": "ad=123"

Note: In case the individual ad details are not available, send ad pod (presence) details through the loadMetadata and playhead position through playheadPosition.

Call setPlayheadPosition() every one second until a pause / stop / another loadMetadata() is called. Playhead should be passed for the entire duration of ad pod, if the ad pod details are passed as part of loadMetadata().

The sample API sequence can be used as a reference to identify the specific events that need to be called during content and ad playback.

Type Sample code Description
Start of stream mAppSdk.play(channelName); // channelName contains JSON metadata of channel/video name being played
mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
Preroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(prerollMetadataObject); // prerollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the preroll ad
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the preroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after preroll occurs
Content mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after the content is paused (ad starts)
Midroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(midrollMetaDataObject); // midrollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the midroll ad
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the midroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // App moves to background(midroll pauses)
mAppSdk.loadMetadata(midrollMetaDataObject); // App moves to foreground (midroll resumes)
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // playheadPosition is position of the playhead while the midroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after midroll occurs
Content (End of stream) mAppSdk.loadMetadata(contentMetaDataObject); // contentMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the content being played
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the content is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Always call stop irrespective of postroll is followed or not
End of Stream mAppSdk.end(); // Call end() at the end of content
Postroll mAppSdk.loadMetadata(postrollMetaDataObject); // postrollMetadataObject contains the JSON metadata for the postroll ad
mAppSdk.setPlayheadPosition(playheadPosition); // position is position of the playhead while the postroll ad is being played
mAppSdk.stop(); // Call stop after postroll occurs

Note: Each Ad playhead should reset or begin from 0 at ad start. When content has resumed following an ad break, playhead position must continue from where previous content segment was left off.

Handling Foreground and Background states of App

There are two ways of handling the foreground and background states of the client application.

New devices (Android 4.0 and later versions)

Add application tag to Manifest XML file When client's app supports only new devices (Android 4.0 and above) and the client has not implemented a custom Application class for some other purpose,

  • Add the following entry (application tag) into the Manifest XML file to use SDK's state detection feature.
    <application android:name="com.nielsen.app.sdk.AppSdkApplication">

This is the custom Application class where the whole background detection implementation is done.

Note: No new permissions are required to change the properties in Manifest XML file.

Older devices (Android 4.0 or earlier versions)

Identify the change of state through the application and call the respective API (appInForeground() or appInBackground()) upon every change of state (foreground / background). The SDK will use this information to pass the app launch times, etc. to Collection facility.


Interruptions during playback

As part of integrating Nielsen App SDK with the player application, the Audio / Video app developer needs to handle the following possible interruption scenarios:

  • Pause / Play
  • Network Loss (Wi-Fi / Airplane / Cellular)
  • Call Interrupt (SIM or Third party Skype / Hangout call)
  • Alarm Interrupt
  • Content Buffering
  • Device Lock / Unlock (Video players only, not for Audio players)
  • App going in the Background/Foreground (Video players only, not for Audio players)
  • Channel / Station Change Scenario
  • Unplugging of headphone

In case of encountering one of the above interruptions, the player application needs to

  • Call stop() immediately (except when content is buffering) and withhold sending playhead position.
  • Start sending pings – loadMetadata() and setPlayheadPosition() for the new viewing session, once the playback resumes.

Please see the Digital Measurement FAQ for more details

Nielsen Measurement Opt-Out Implementation

As a global information and measurement leader, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data we collect, process and use. Our digital measurement products are not used to identify the consumer in any way, but they help us and our clients measure and analyze how consumers engage with media across online, mobile and emerging technologies, and offer insights into consumer behavior.

  • When the app user wants to opt in or opt out of Nielsen measurement, a new dynamic page (with content string obtained from userOptOutURLString()) should be displayed.
  • Use getOptOutStatus() to retrieve the device's Opt-Out status.
  • This Opt-out page should be displayed in a webview (within the app) and not in any external browser.
  • Capture the user's selection in this page and pass it to the SDK through userOptOut() for Nielsen to save the user's preference.
  • For more details, refer to Android SDK API Reference - Android Opt-Out Implementation and Nielsen Digital Privacy.

Pre-Certification Checklists

After the application is ready to be sent for Nielsen Certification, please go through the Pre-Certification Checklist and ensure the app behaves as expected, before submitting to Nielsen.

Testing an Implementation - App

See Digital Measurement Testing.