DCR & DTVR Browser Adobe Launch Extension

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Engineering Portal breadcrumbArrow.png Digital breadcrumbArrow.png DCR & DTVR breadcrumbArrow.png DCR & DTVR Browser Adobe Launch Extension

Adobe Launch Extensions

Adobe Launch Extensions are building blocks for mobile application development that reside on Adobe Servers for client utilization. Nielsen provides three Adobe Launch Extensions that can be integrated to an html page containing any number of video players. It allows clients to add the reporting functionality to their site by putting several lines of JavaScript code into the page.

Extension Installation and Configuration

Nielsen has developed Extensions to simplify adding Nielsen measurement into your video stream. The first step is to create and publish a property which is outlined in the Getting Started Guide.

Install the Extension

When you sign in to the Launch you’ll see the Properties screen first. A property is a container for the tags that you want to deploy and it can be used on one or many sites. Click New Property and enter a name. You will now be able to add an extension. icon

BSDK extension

BSDK extension integrates the Nielsen BSDK, initializes BSDK instances that can be used by any other extension or from the client’s page directly.

VJS (VideoJS) extension

VJS extension subscribes to standard media events fired by VideoJS player, processes data provided by the user and taken from player, and calls BSDK API (trackevent).

IMA extension

IMA extension subscribes to events fired by the IMA Ad plugin, processes data provided by the user and taken from IMA, and calls BSDK API (trackEvent).

Build the Extension

After the Extension is configured, it can be “built” under the “library” on the Publishing page with other “libraries”.

Add a New library

Select to add a new library


Set the name, chose Environment (Production, Staging, Development):


Save and Build

Add all changed resources. When you get the Extension configured, it will appear in the list of changed resources. Select the Latest revision and press “Select & Create a New Revision” button: icon


Once built, it will appear in the list of Development libraries:


Multi-instance support

The user’s page can contain several players. The user creates BSDK, VJS and IMA extension instances for each player. They should be bound by any string identifier, e.g. a player name. This value must be set in "sdk_instance_name" field of “ext_opt” object for all extensions to bind them.


Before you begin, ensure that you have an Appid. This is a Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product. If you do not have an AppID , please review the Onboarding Guide.

BDSK Adobe Launch Extension

BSDK extension integrates the Nielsen BSDK, initializes BSDK instances that can be used by any other extension or from the client’s page directly. Users can communicate with the extension in two ways – either by calling API's exposed by the extension or by using events.

The following events and API calls are supported:

Event API Function Description
"nls-sdk-get-info" window.NSDKAPI.getInfo requests BSDK extension to provide the extension version information
"nls-sdk-init-instance" window.NSDKAPI.initInstance requests BSDK extension to initialize a new SDK instance
"nls-sdk-trackevent" window.NSDKAPI.trackEvent sends data for trackEvent function of the SDK


Event based API

The extension listens to the following custom events:


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values
callback Function that is called by the extension to provide output data Yes Function


var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-sdk-get-info", {"detail":
     callback: function (obj) {
         var sdkInfo = obj.extinfo;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        sdk_instance_name: <name>,
        // other parameters,
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
sdk_instance_name Name of the BSDK instance. It's used to bind
BSDK and other extensions. If it's not
provided, the extension generates the name.
It can be obtained in the callback function.
No string
"sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1"
debug Debug flag. If set to "DEBUG", the extension prints
debug messages to the browser console.
No string
"debug": "DEBUG"
apid APID that is used in Browser SDK Yes string
opt_params Optional parameters that are passed to
initialization function of Browser SDK
No object
     "apn": "myApn",
     "sfcode": "code1",
     "nol_sdkDebug": "DEBUG"
callback Function that is called by the extension
to provide output data
No function
"callback": function (ret) {
   var name = ret.sdk_instance_name;


var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-sdk-init-instance", {"detail":
    "sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1",
    "debug": "DEBUG",
    "apid": "PXXXXXXXX-XXXX-",
         "apn": "myApn",
         "sfcode": "code1",
         "nol_sdkDebug": "DEBUG"
    "callback": function (ret) {
       var name = ret.sdk_instance_name;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        sdk_instance_name: <name>,
                obj: { /* data */ }

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
sdk_instance_name Name of the BSDK instance that should
receive the data.
Yes string
"sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1"
obj Object containing data that is passed
to trackEvent function of Browser SDK
Yes string
"obj": {
 "event": 'playhead',
 "type": 'static',
 "playheadPosition": '1',
 "metadata": {
 "static": {
 "type": 'static',
 "assetid": 'AID885-9984'
callback Function that is called by the extension
to provide the result value. It's true if success.
"callback": function (ret) {
   var result = ret.result;


var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-sdk-trackevent", {"detail":
   "sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1",
   "obj": {
      "event": 'playhead',
      "type": 'static',
      "playheadPosition": '1',
      "metadata": {
         "static": {
            "type": 'static',
            "assetid": 'AID885-9984'

Tracking the SDK Event

Event Types

The following event types are supported:

Key Description

It is used to pass content, ad or static metadata, the current playhead value,
Unix timestamp or id3 payload, OTT information to the SDK.


This event should be used when content playback is paused.
(Pause is detected by SDK automatically only if the time gap between commands exceeds 30 minutes.)


It is called when session is completed or ends.


This event should be called at the end of each ad and is required when advertisements have the same assetId.

Handling JSON Metadata

Parameter “data” is a JSON object with many key-value pairs that holds all information required by SDK.

Format of input object is the following:

 "event": <event identifier>,
 "type": <type of metadata>,
   "content": <content metadata object>,
   "ad": <ad metadata object>,
   "static": <static metadata object>
 "playheadPosition":<playhead value | Unix Timestamp>,
 "id3Data": <id3 payload>,


Digital Content Ratings

Parameter Description Supported values Example
event Event identifier

String: playhead,pause,complete, adStop

type Determines the metadata object

that should be used for crediting.

content, ad, static

metadata Object that holds metadata values of specific types

Detailed in tables below

   "content": <content metadata object>,
   "ad": <ad metadata object>,
   "static": <static metadata object>
playheadPosition Playhead value as reported by video player.
Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan-01-1970 UTC) for live video.

Position value is Unix timestamp (live): "playheadPosition":"1542797780"

Position value is playhead:


Content Metadata

Content metadata sent for every playheadposition update.

Keys Description Example Required
assetName name of program (100 character limit) "MyTest789" Yes
assetid unique ID assigned to asset custom Yes
length length of content in seconds seconds (0 for live stream or unknown) Yes
program name of program (100 character limit) custom Yes
segB custom segment B ¹ custom
segC custom segment C ¹ custom
title name of program (100 character limit) custom Yes
type 'content', 'ad', 'static' 'content' Yes
section Unique Value assigned to page/site section HomePage Yes
airdate the airdate in the linear TV ² YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS Yes
isfullepisode full episode flag "y"- full episode, "n"- non full episode Yes
crossId1 standard episode ID custom
crossId2 content originator (only required for distributors) Nielsen provided
adloadtype linear vs dynamic ad model 1=Linear

2=Dynamic Ads


¹ Custom segments (segB and segC) can be used to aggregate video and/or static content within a single Brand to receive more granular reports within a brand.
² Acceptable Air Date Formats:


For USA all times should be EST, for all other countries Local Time. Below is a sample event for DCR. If no ad or static values, these can be left as blank/null.

"event": "playhead",
"type": "content",
"metadata": { 
    "assetName":"Big Buck Bunny",
    "airdate":"20180120 10:00:00",
    "crossId1":"Standard Episode ID",
    "crossId2" :"Content Originator",
"ad": {},
"static": {}
"playheadPosition": "",


Digital TV Ratings info

Parameter Description Supported values Example
event Event identifier

String: playhead,pause,complete, adStop

type Determines the metadata object that should be used for crediting.

content, ad, static

adModel linear vs dynamic ad model 1=Linear

2=Dynamic Ads

channelName Any string representing the.channel/stream Object custom
playheadPosition Playhead value or Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan-01-1970 UTC) String

Position value is Unix timestamp: "playheadPosition":"1542797780"

Position value is playhead:


id3Data Nielsen ID3 payload String

"id3Data": "www.nielsen.com/065H2g6E7ZyQ5UdmMAbbpg ==/_EMc37zfVgq_8KB7baUYfg==/ADQCAmgV1Xyvnynyg60 kZO_Ejkcn2KLSrTzyJpZZ-QeRn8GpMGTWI7-HrEKzghxyzC yBEoIDv2kA2g1QJmeYOl5GnwfrLDVK2bNLTbQxr1z9VBfxa hBcQP5tqbjhyMzdVqrMKuvvJO1jhtSXa9AroChb11ZUnG1W VJx2O4M=/33648/22847/00"

Below is a sample event for DTVR. If no ad or static values, these can be left as blank/null.

"event": "playhead",
"type": "content",
"metadata": { 
"ad": {},
"static": {}
"playheadPosition": "",
"id3Data": "www.nielsen.com/065H2g6E7ZyQ5UdmMAbbpg==/_


Applies to DCR and DTVR

Parameter Description Supported values Example
event Event identifier

String: playhead, pause, complete, adStop

type Determines the metadata object that should be used for crediting.

content, ad, static

metadata Object that holds metadata values of specific types

Detailed in tables below

   "content": <content metadata object>,
   "ad": <ad metadata object>,
   "static": <static metadata object>
playheadPosition Playhead value or Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan-01-1970 UTC) String

Position value is Unix timestamp: "playheadPosition":"1501225191747"

Position value is playhead:


id3Data Nielsen ID3 payload Object

"id3Data": "www.nielsen.com/065H2g6E7ZyQ5UdmMAbbpg ==/_EMc37zfVgq_8KB7baUYfg==/ADQCAmgV1Xyvnynyg60 kZO_Ejkcn2KLSrTzyJpZZ-QeRn8GpMGTWI7-HrEKzghxyzC yBEoIDv2kA2g1QJmeYOl5GnwfrLDVK2bNLTbQxr1z9VBfxa hBcQP5tqbjhyMzdVqrMKuvvJO1jhtSXa9AroChb11ZUnG1W VJx2O4M=/33648/22847/00"

ottData Object that holds OTT information Object
"ottData": {
   "ottStatus": 1,
   "ottType": casting,
   "ottDevice": chromecast,
   "ottDeviceID": 1234

Content Metadata

Content metadata sent for every playheadposition update.

Keys Description Example Required
length length of content in seconds seconds (0 for live stream) Yes
type "content", "ad", "static" "content" Yes
adModel linear vs dynamic ad model 1=Linear

2=Dynamic Ads

adloadtype DCR Ad Model 1=Linear

2=Dynamic Ads


+ Custom segments (segB and segC) can be used to aggregate video and/or static content within a single Brand to receive more granular reports within a brand.
++ Acceptable Air Date Formats:


Below is a sample event for DCR/DTVR joint integration. If no ad or static values, these can be left as blank/null.

"event": "playhead",
"type": "content",
"metadata": { 
  "ad": {},
  "static": {}
"playheadPosition": "",
"id3Data": "www.nielsen.com/065H2g6E7ZyQ5UdmMAbbpg==/_

IMA Adobe Launch Extension

IMA extension subscribes to ad related events fired by IMA plugin, processes data provided by the user and taken from IMA, and calls BSDK API (trackevent).

Events that are used in IMA extension:


Users can communicate with the extension in two ways – either by calling functions exposed by the extension or by using events.

The following events and API calls are supported:

Event API Function Sender/Caller Description
window.NIMAAPI.getInfo. User requests IMA extension to provide the extension version information
window.NIMAAPI.initInstance. User requests IMA extension to initialize a new
IMA extension instance for the player
Extension requests IMA extension to provide the extension version information
User requests IMA extension to provide the extension version information
Extension requests IMA extension to provide the extension version information


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
callback Function that is called by the
extension to provide output data
Yes Function
 "callback": function (ret) {
    var name = ret.ima_instance_name;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        sdk_instance_name: <name>,
        // other parameters,
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
Name of the BSDK instance that should
receive the data.
Yes string
"sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1"
Debug flag. If set to "DEBUG", the extension prints
debug messages to the browser console.
"debug": "DEBUG"
Id of the video element Yes string
"playerId": "myPlayer1"
Function that is called by the extension
to provide output data.
"callback": function (ret) {
   var result = ret.ima_instance_name;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        playerId: <player element id>,
        custom_fields: { /* data */ }

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
Id of the video element provided
in event "nls-ima-get-data"
Yes string
"playerId": "playerid"
custom_fields Custom fields like Custom fields like assetid Yes string
 "custom_fields": {
 "assetid": 'myAssetId1'


Format of input object is the following:


All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
playerId Id of the video element playing the video.
This id must be copied to the object that will be
provided in event "nls-ima-set-data"
Yes string


How to get version information of IMA extension

var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-ima-get-info", {"detail":
     callback: function (obj) {
         var imaInfo = obj.extinfo;

How to create an instance of IMA extension

var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-ima-init-instance", {"detail":
    "sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1",
    "debug": "DEBUG",
    "playerId": "myPlayer1",
    "callback": function (ret) {
       console.log("IMA is ready");

How to provide custom fields

function fnCustomDataAdRequest(detail) {
  var adId = detail.id;
  // id - is an identifier of the ad that is currently playing.
  var custom_fields = {};
  //  search for the info of the ad (currently playing ad)
  custom_fields.assetid = "myAssetId";
  return custom_fields;
document.addEventListener("nls-ima-get-data", function (event) {
 var customData = null;
 if (event) {
   var detail = event.detail;
   var plId = detail.playerId;
 // We must provide playerId as the event originator
 // Instead, we can copy the whole detail object back to the extension
   customData = fnCustomDataAdRequest(detail);
 if (customData) {
    var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-ima-set-data", {
          playerId: plId,
          custom_fields: customData

VJS Adobe Launch Extension

VideoJS (VJS) extension subscribes to standard media events fired by VideoJS player, processes data provided by the user and taken from player, and calls BSDK API (trackevent).

Standard media events that are used in VJS extension:


The extension handles id3 tag related events as well.

Users can communicate with the extension in two ways – either by calling functions exposed by the extension or by using events. The following events and API calls are supported:

Event API Function Sender/Caller Description
window.NVJSAPI.getInfo User requests JVS extension to provide the
extension version information
window.NVJSAPI.initInstance User requests JVS extension to initialize a new
IMA extension instance for the player
Extension requests the user to provide custom data for the video
User provides custom data to the extension
Extension sends error or any other message


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
callback Function that is called by the
extension to provide output data
Yes Function
 "callback": function (ret) {
    var name = ret.vjs_instance_name;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        sdk_instance_name: <name>,
        // other parameters,
        callback: function(obj) { /* Do something */}

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
Name of the BSDK instance that should
receive the data.
Yes string
"sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1"
Debug flag. If set to "DEBUG", the extension prints
debug messages to the browser console.
"debug": "DEBUG"
Id of the video element Yes string
"playerId": "myPlayer1"
Function that is called by the extension
to provide output data.
"callback": function (ret) {
   var result = ret.vjs_instance_name;


Format of input object is the following:

{ detail:
        playerId: <player element id>,
        custom_fields: { /* data */ }

All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
Id of the video element provided
in event "nls-vjs-get-data"
Yes string
"playerId": "playerid"
custom_fields Custom fields like assetid Yes string
 "custom_fields": {
 "assetid": 'myAssetId1',
"segA": 'NNh777'


Format of input object is the following:


All parameters and supported values are described below.

Parameter Description Required Values Example
playerId Id of the video element playing the video.
This id must be copied to the object that will be
provided in event "nls-vjs-set-data"
Yes string


How to get version information of VJS extension

var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-vjs-get-info", {"detail":
     callback: function (obj) {
         var vjsInfo = obj.extinfo;

How to create an instance of VJS extension

var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-vjs-init-instance", {"detail":
    "sdk_instance_name": "myPlayer1",
    "debug": "DEBUG",
    "playerId": "myPlayer1",
    "callback": function (ret) {
       console.log("VJS is ready");
       // Init Player here...

How to provide custom fields

function fnCustomDataContentRequest(detail) {
  var currentSrc = detail.currentSrc;
  // currentSrc - is the path to the stream that is currently playing
  var custom_fields = {};
  //  search for the info of the currentSrc (currently playing stream)
  custom_fields.assetid = "myAssetId";
  return custom_fields;
document.addEventListener("nls-vjs-get-data", function (event) {
 var customData = null;
 if (event) {
   var detail = event.detail;
   var plId = detail.playerId;
 // We must provide playerId as the event originator
 // Instead, we can copy the whole detail object back to the extension
   customData = fnCustomDataContentRequest(detail);
 if (customData) {
    var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-vjs-set-data", {
          playerId: plId,
          custom_fields: customData

Implementation Methods

There are two ways to communicate with extensions. Users can use events or call the extension methods directly.

Event Implementation Method

The first step is to include the following Inside the <head> tag:

<script src="//assets.adobedtm.com/launch-XXXXXX-development.min.js"></script>

Initialize Instance

Inside <body> tag:

// create player with id specified in video tag
// ….
// Add listener. You can use the following code as a template.
document.addEventListener("nls-vjs-get-data", function (event) {
  var customData = {};
  var detail = event.detail;
  var plId = detail.playerId;
  // We must provide playerId field back to the event originator in "nls-vjs-set-data"
  var currentSrc = detail.currentSrc;
  if (currentSrc === /path/file.mp4)
      customData.assetid = "SeaHorseID";
  var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-vjs-set-data", {"detail":   {
     playerId: plId, custom_fields: customData }
// Initialize BSDK and VJS extensions. You can use the following code as a template.
var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-sdk-init-instance", {"detail":
      "sdk_instance_name": "inst_" + playerId,                                                   
      "apid": APID,                                
              "apn": APN,                  
              "sfcode": SFCODE,            
              "nol_sdkDebug": "DEBUG"
       callback: function (ret) {
           var sdk_instance_name = ret. sdk_instance_name;
           var ev = new CustomEvent("nls-vjs-init-instance", {"detail":
                     "playerId": playerId,
                     "sdk_instance_name": sdk_instance_name,
                     "callback": function (ret) {
                         console.log("USER: VJS is ready");
                         // initialize player (set playlist, ads);
         console.log("USER: Sending nls-vjs-init-instance");
console.log("USER: Sending nls-sdk-init-instance");
// Add the following before </body

Direct API Implementation Method