
From Engineering Client Portal

Revision as of 04:04, 21 May 2017 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Engineering Portal / Digital / iOS SDK API Reference / loadMetadata
The application uses this API to send metadata to the SDK. App constructs a JSON dictionary and calls loadMetadata. The API that accepts the JSON string has been deprecated.

In case of a preroll ad, call loadMetadata with metadata values for content followed by loadMetadata with ad (preroll) metadata.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description JSON Object
jsonMetaData DTVR
NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"adModel": @"1"

type should always be “ad” for DAR

NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"type": @"ad",
  @"ocrtag": @"http://secure- uat-cert.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ci= ENTXX5&am=3&ep=1&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=cmp97144&cr=1186239&pc=3739659&r=2011370876"
Digital Audio

type should always be “radio”. See Digital Audio Metadata.

NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"dataSrc": @"cms",
  @"type": @"radio",
  @"assetid": @"WXYZ-FM",
  @"stationType": @"3",
  @"provider": @"MyRadioProvider"

type should be “content”, “static”, “preroll”, “midroll” or “postroll”.

// Audio & Video Measurement:
NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"type": @"content",
  @"assetid": @"vid345-67483",
  @"program": @"ProgramName",
  @"title": @"Program S3, EP1",
  @"length": @"3600",
  @"segB": @"CustomSegmentValueB",
  @"segC": @"CustomSegmentValueC",
  @"crossId1": @"Reference11",
  @"crossId2": @"Reference22",
  @"vcid": @"cXX",
  @"isfullepisode": @"y",
  @"airdate": @"20161013 20:00:00",
  @"adloadtype": @"2",
  @"hasAds": @"1"
// Static Measurement:
NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"type": @"static",
  @"section": @"siteSection",
  @"segA": @"segmentA",
  @"segB": @"segmentB",
  @"segC": @"segmentC",
  @"crossId1": @"Reference11"
// Ad Measurement:
NSDictionary *metadata = @
  @"type": @"preroll",
  @"assetid": @"AD361-84413",
  @"title": @"MyAdName"
DCR Germany

type should be “content”, “static”, “preroll”, “midroll” or “postroll”.

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://nielsense-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/id3/001/prog_index.m3u8"];
NSDictionary *assetInfoDict = @
//SDK Metadata
  @"type": @"content",
  @"assetid": @"vid345-67483",
  @"program": @"ProgramName",
  @"title": @"Program S3, EP1",
  @"length": @"3600",
  @"segB": @"CustomSegmentValueB",
  @"segC": @"CustomSegmentValueC",
  @"crossId1": @"Reference11",
  @"crossId2": @"Reference22",
  @"vcid": @"cXX",
  @"isfullepisode": @"y",
  @"airdate": @"20161013 20:00:00"
  //Custom Properties
  @"nol_c{number}": @"p{Number},value"
[nielsenMeter loadMetadata:assetInfoDict];
//Ad Measurement:
//SDK Metadata
NSDictionary *assetInfoDict = @
  @"type": @"preroll",
  @"assetid": @"AD361-84413",
  @"title": @"MyAdName"
  //Custom Properties
  @"nol_c{number}": @"p{Number},value"
[nielsenMeter loadMetadata:assetInfoDict];

Output Parameters

Output Parameters (Return value) Description