DCR KSA Video Browser SDK

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Engineering Portal / Digital / International DCR / DCR KSA Video Browser SDK


The Nielsen SDK is one of multiple framework SDKs that Nielsen provides to enable measuring linear (live) and on-demand TV viewing using TVs, mobile devices, etc. The Browser SDK is the framework for browsers developers to integrate Nielsen Measurement into their media player pages. It supports a variety of Nielsen Measurement Products like Digital in TV Ratings, Digital Content Ratings (DCR & DTVR).


Before you start the integration, you will need:

Item Description Source
App ID (appid) Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product. Contact Nielsen

Configure SDK

There are two steps required for configuring the SDK:

  • Add Static Queue Snippet
  • Create SDK Instance

Static Queue Snippet

Add the following script tag to the website:


/* NLSQUEUE build v*/
  function t(e){
    return"object"==typeof e?JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)):e
      var s=e.document,
      var i=s.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
      return i.parentNode.insertBefore(a,i),
      ggPM:function(o,c,s,a,i){e[n][r].q=e[n][r].q||[];try{var l=t([o,c,s,a,i]);e[n][r].q.push(l)}catch(e){console&&console.log&&console.log("Error: Cannot register event in Nielsen SDK queue.")}},
      trackEvent:function(o){e[n][r].te=e[n][r].te||[];try{var c=t(o);e[n][r].te.push(c)}catch(e){console&&console.log&&console.log("Error: Cannot register event in Nielsen SDK queue.")}}},



The static queue snippet allows the SDK APIs to be called while the actual SDK and configuration file are still being downloaded. As the queue can capture all API calls before the download completes, there is no wait time. Once the SDK is available, the API calls will transition from directing to the queue to the SDK seamlessly.

Create SDK Instance

To initialize the SDK, create an SDK instance by making the initialization call:

Initialization API Call

NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("<apid>", "<instanceName>",{nol_sdkDebug: "debug"})

When creating an instance, pass the following three values:

Parameter Description Values
apid Unique ID assigned to player/site 'PXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'
instanceName Name of SDK instance "any string value"
nol_sdkDebug Enables Nielsen console logging. Only required for testing (not in production) "{nol_sdkDebug: "debug"})"

Example SDK Initialization

var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("PXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "nlsnInstance", {nol_sdkDebug: "debug"});

When the initialization call is made, a unique static configuration file, <apid>.js, will be downloaded based on the apid and will be cached on the user’s browser.

Once the configuration is downloaded, the SDK itself will be downloaded and initialized. All SDK modules are included in one file: “nlsSDK600.eu.bundle.min.js”.

Example SDK Configuration

The configuration should include the Static Queue Snippet and an SDK Instance for an unique AppID as shown in the example:

<script type="text/javascript">
	// Add Static Queue Snippet
		function t(e){
			return"object"==typeof e?JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)):e
				var s=e.document,
				var i=s.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
				return i.parentNode.insertBefore(a,i),
				ggPM:function(o,c,s,a,i){e[n][r].q=e[n][r].q||[];try{var l=t([o,c,s,a,i]);e[n][r].q.push(l)}catch(e){console&&console.log&&console.log("Error: Cannot register event in Nielsen SDK queue.")}},
				trackEvent:function(o){e[n][r].te=e[n][r].te||[];try{var c=t(o);e[n][r].te.push(c)}catch(e){console&&console.log&&console.log("Error: Cannot register event in Nielsen SDK queue.")}}},
	// Created SDK Instance
	var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("PXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", {nol_sdkDebug: "DEBUG"});

Create Metadata Objects

Before starting any measurement of an asset(Content or Ad) with the created SDK Instance, you need to create an asset metadata object in order to identify the asset. There are two types of asset metadata:

content: identify a video ad: identify each ad The metadata received for each asset is used for classification and reporting.

Metadata are passed through key-values using the Nielsen reserved keys. You will need to set up content and ad objects with the required Nielsen keys as shown in the sample code below.

Content Metadata

Content metadata should remain constant throughout the completion of an episode / clip including the ads play.

Key Description Values Required
type Type of asset "content" Yes
assetid Unique ID assigned to content (32 character limit) custom
(no Special Characters)
program Name of program (100 characters limit) custom Yes
title Episode title (100 characters limit) custom Yes
length Length of content in seconds for VOD (Video on demand). The value for live stream content is 0.
  • "seconds"– VOD
  • "0"– Live Stream


airdate The airdate in the linear TV. Original (local) air date and time (hh:mm:ss as 24h time stamp); if not known set it to eg. "19700101 00:00:00" YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss Yes
isfullepisode Full episode flag
  • "y"– full episode
  • "n"– non full episode


adloadtype type of ad load:
  • 1) Linear – matches TV ad load
  • 2) Dynamic – Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)
  • "1" – content with linear ads
  • "2" – content with dynamic ads


Example Content Object

var content_metadata_object = {  

  // SDK Metadata
  type:           'content',
  assetid:        'VID123-123456',
  program:        'program name',
  title:          'episode title',
  length:         '543', // length in seconds (String) 
  airdate:        '19700101 00:00:00',
  isfullepisode:  'y',
  adloadtype:     '2'


Ad Metadata

The Ad Metadata (if applicable) should be passed for each individual ad.

Keys Description Values Required
type type of Ad 'preroll', 'midroll', 'postroll' Yes
assetid unique ID assigned to Ad custom Yes

Example Ad Object

var adMetadataObject = 
  type:    'preroll',
  assetid: 'AD-1'

URL Character Limit: There is a URL character limit of 2K characters due to browser limitations. Exceeding this value could impair data delivery on particular browsers.

Start the Measurement

Nielsen APIs calls are made by calling the function ggPM("event", parameter, ...) with "event" Parameter indicating the SDK API.

nSdkInstance.ggPM("event", parameter, ...);

Event Parameter Description
"loadMetadata" content/ad metadata object Needs to be called at the beginning of each asset
"setPlayheadPosition" playhead position as integer

VOD: current position in seconds
Live: current Unix timestamp (seconds since 01-01-1970 UTC)

Pass playhead position every second during playback

"stop" playhead position in seconds Call when content interrupted/paused or ads complete playing and pass playhead position
"end" playhead position in seconds Call when the current video asset completes playback and pass the playhead position.

Example: At the end of the content stream, if the user switches to another piece of content when the browser is refreshed or closed.

Start the measurement by calling the "event" names "loadMetadata" followed by "setPlayheadPosition".

// START OF STREAM  (main content)
nSdkInstance.ggPM("loadMetadata", contentMetadataObject); 
// CONTENT plays
// pass playhead every second
nSdkInstance.ggPM("setPlayheadPosition", playheadPosition);

Example Events

  • Event: loadMetadata | Value Pass ( Object ): Content Metadata Object
  nSdkInstance.ggPM('loadMetadata', contentMetadataObject);

  • Event: loadMetadata | Value Pass ( Object ): Pre-roll AD Metadata Object
  nSdkInstance.ggPM('loadMetadata', prerollMetadataObject);

  • Event: setPlayheadPosition | Value Pass ( Integer ): playheadPosition
  nSdkInstance.ggPM('setPlayheadPosition', playheadPosition);

  • Event: stop | Value Pass ( Integer ): stopPlayheadPosition
  nSdkInstance.ggPM('stop', stopPlayheadPosition);

  • Event: end | Value Pass ( Integer ): endPlayheadPosition
  nSdkInstance.ggPM('end', endPlayheadPosition);

Stop/Resume the Measurement for video Playback Interruptions

Handle Video Playback Interruption

The setPlayheadPostion event is used for handling playback interruption. To indicate that the video player is not playing (i.e. paused, buffering), stop passing the playhead position to the SDK. Once the Playback resumes , begin sending the playhead position again with the correct playhead value.

List of video Playback Interruptions

The following possible video Playback Interruptions must be handled:

  • Player PAUSED
  • Player BUFFERING
  • Browser/Tab close
  • Leaving the page to another destination
  • Pressing the stop button
  • Network Loss

Example for handling Playback Interruption: Browser/Tab close/Page Reload

window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(event) 
  // Only inside an Ad indicate <stop> for the ad
  nSdkInstance.ggPM("stop", playheadPosition);
  // Indicate <end> for the content
  nSdkInstance.ggPM("end", playheadPosition);

Note: additional code may be needed in order to support specific browser versions (e.g. older versions of Internet Explorer).

SDK Call Sequence

The sample event lifecycles can be used as a reference for identifying the order for calling events.

Content Playback Call Sequence

nSdkInstance.ggPM("loadMetadata", contentMetadataObject); 
// CONTENT plays
// pass playhead every second
nSdkInstance.ggPM("setPlayheadPosition", playheadPosition);
nSdkInstance.ggPM("end", playheadPosition);

Ad Playback Call Sequence (Optional for DR)

nSdkInstance.ggPM("loadMetadata", adMetadataObject); 
// Ad plays
// pass playhead every second
nSdkInstance.ggPM("setPlayheadPosition", playheadPosition);
// END OF Ad
nSdkInstance.ggPM("stop", playheadPosition);
  • "setPlayheadPosition" is used for calculating duration and must be passed every second. The final playhead position must be sent for the current asset being played before calling "stop" or "end".
  • For Ad Pods, events must be called for each individual Ad. Each Ad playhead position should begin at "0" when an ad starts.
  • When content has resumed following an ad break, the playhead position update must continue where previous content segment left off.
  • The playhead position should be passed as a rounded number with no decimals.

Review SDK Integration Architecture Diagram

For Content Playback

SDK Integration Architecture Diagram - Content

For Ad Playback

SDK Integration Architecture Diagram - Ad

Disclose Nielsen Privacy Statement

The Browser SDK video measurement does not set cross-domain cookies, therefore no centralized opt-out functionality is available. The Nielsen Browser SDK does not set cookies associated with the collection domain. The SDK sets specific cookie for the domain where the player is hosted (first party) and this cookie is not used across websites. The only personal information collected with the SDK network pings is the IP address, which is anonymized immediately after collection.

In order to disclose Nielsen measurement privacy statement, please include the following items in your privacy policy:

Turning off the First Party ID for Opt-out Users

The First Party ID(FPID) is enabled by default in the Browser SDK. For Opt-out users, the First Party ID can be turned off during the initialization of the SDK Instance, i.e. the parameter enableFpid can be set to "false" (FPID disabled) or "true" (FPID enabled).

Example of SDK Initialization with enableFpid
First Party ID turned on
nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ(appID, "videoSdkInstance", {
enableFpid: "true"
First Party ID turned off
nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ(appID, "videoSdkInstance", {
enableFpid: "false"

Test your player by yourself


1. Run your player in the Browser, start a video
2. Open the Developer Network View in order to monitor network traffic
3. Filter the network traffic by "nmr" and confirm presence of SDK pings

Example of SDK ping


Provide your app for certification

Once ready please send your web application to Nielsen local staff for certification.

Going Live

After the integration has been certified (but not prior that), disable debug logging by deleting {nol_sdkDebug: "DEBUG"} from Initialization API Call.

Note: before going live you have to inform Nielsen - this is necessary, because Nielsen team has to adjust internal configuration parameter to enable data collection. Without that notification no data will be collected and no data will be reported.