Digital Measurement Content Audit Beacon

From Engineering Client Portal

Revision as of 18:44, 6 June 2024 by AbbyArgue (talk | contribs) (Update to v1.8.8)

Engineering Portal / Digital / Digital Measurement Content Audit Beacon

The Nielsen server-to-server solution requires audit pings for the purpose of validating audience reach and video viewing duration; one start and one end for each video stream. Pings originate from the end-user device to Nielsen Collections servers. End pings execute upon cessation of playback.

Ping Structure

Ping is executed with following convention:

https://[to_be_provided][query parameters]

The Start Audit Ping carries all parameters in the table below. The End Audit Ping carries a subset of the parameters in the matrix below as denoted in the mandatory column.  

Under normal operating circumstances, the audit ping server returns the following codes:

  • Audit ping servers reject cross-origin HTTP requests with preflight. To ensure that audit ping requests are accepted, allowable Content-Types like "text/plain" in simple GET requests ensure that preflight requests are not invoked
  • 200: Ping successfully received, inspect traffic to ensure no CORS errors

Session & Stream

  1. Sessions
    1. Optionally, a new Session ID may be created when a new player is created
    2. If more than one video player exists within the same App (e.g. picture in picture) a different Session ID is required for each
  2. Streams
    1. New Stream ID is generated for each new video stream.
    2. If stream playback continues after 24 hours, then a new Stream ID should be created and a new Audit ping should be executed (Session ID may remain)
    3. Stream ID remains the same independent of fast-forward, rewind, pause, events assuming the asset remains the same
    4. If playback is suspended for greater than 30mins (paused or otherwise suspended), a new Stream ID should be assigned upon return
    5. Audit pings should be fired at the beginning and end of a stream

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Required Specified Format / Example
apid Server App ID assigned by Nielsen Yes Nielsen Example: A487421B-XXXX-YYYY-8343-E3BBB66E44F2
sessionid Unique, client generated value that represents the start of a user session. “Session” is defined as continuous (flexible) interaction with an application that may span multiple streams. Yes Client Format: alphanumeric

Example: Random GUID: ce6c1c95-de3e-431e-b11e-77…

pingtype Indicator for ping type: “start” or “end” audit ping Yes Client Format: integer,

1 = Start Stream

0 = Start Session

3 = End Stream

2 = End Session

product Indicates which product audit ping corresponds to Yes Client Format: alphanumeric,

Example: dcr, dtvr, dar, ctv

uoo User opt out flag for demographic measurement Yes, if devid/LUID provided Client Format: integer

0 = not opt-out, 1 = opt-out

devid Mobile Ad ID (IDFA, ADID), Connected Device ID Optional, or in S2S file Client A487421B-XXXX-YYYY-8343-E3BBB66E44F2
luid Living Unit ID - Experian Household ID Optional, or in S2S file Client B0EOFEDgD
createtm Time ping is initiated Yes Client Format: Unix timestamp in 32-bit unsigned int in seconds

Example: 1577858505

Audit Ping Start Example: