DCR Static Lite Browser SDK

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Engineering Portal / Digital / US DCR & DTVR / DCR Static Lite Browser SDK


DCR Static Lite <Page Measurement> allows clients to measure the time spent by users on static content (in focus). Unlike Video measurement, the Static Lite <Page Measurement> does not require a configuration file.

  • The cadence of the View and Duration pings for DCR Static Lite is same as Video content. (View ping when content is loaded completely and Duration ping every 5 minutes following that).
  • View ping gets triggered when content is loaded completely and Duration ping every 5 minutes following that irrespective of the page being in focus (duration is calculated by c27 param for the amount of time user is on the page)

DCR Static Lite <Page Measurement> is a compact version of DCR Static <Page Measurement> with the following primary differences.

Static <Page Measurement> Static Lite <Page Measurement>
Requires a configuration file. Does not require a configuration file.
Duration ping cadence is every 5 minutes. Duration ping cadence is every 5 minutes.


To start using the App SDK, the following items are required:

Item Description Source
App ID (appid) Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product. Contact Nielsen

DCR Static Lite Implementation

To implement DCR Static Lite <Page Measurement>, only a single script tag reference is required on the page. Static Lite will automatically initialize and handle pings once the page loads completely.

Append the parameters as hashbang URL parameters, starting with a hash (#) in place of a query string (?).

  • The use of hashbang parameters provides the ability for the browser to cache DCR static script file as hashbang parameters are not sent to the server when requesting for the file.

Below is an example of a DCR static <script> tag.


<script async src="https://seccdn-gl.imrworldwide.com/novms/js/2/nlsDcrLite510.min.js#nol_sfcode=dcr&nol_ci=AB-XXXXXX&nol_apid=TXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX&nol_assetname=My_assetname&nol_apn=My_AppName&nol_ad=0&nol_vc=b02&nol_devid=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX&nol_segA=NA&nol_segB=NA&nol_segC=NA"></script>


<script async src="http://cdn-gl.imrworldwide.com/novms/js/2/nlsDcrLite510.min.js#nol_sfcode=dcr&nol_ci=AB-XXXXXX&nol_apid=TXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX&nol_assetname=My_assetname&nol_apn=My_AppName&nol_ad=0&nol_vc=b02&nol_devid=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX&nol_segA=NA&nol_segB=NA&nol_segC=NA"></script>

Performance Tip

It is recommended to include the "async" attribute in the script tag to asynchronously load the script and allow the DOM to continue processing. This provides a non-blocking loading of DCR static, providing better page load performance and minimal affects to additional scripts or page processing.

Tag Parameters

The parameters for the script tag are defined below. These parameters will automatically be loaded into DCR Static Lite once the page is loaded completely. These are the only parameters supported by the tag.

Parameter Definition

Parameter Description Required? Specified by Example
nol_sfcode Location of collection environment. Yes Nielsen dcr
nol_ci Brand level aggregation Yes Nielsen My_ClientID
nol_apid UniqueID assigned to player/site. Yes Nielsen PXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
nol_assetname Section of each site (e.g. section value should be first

level in page URL: website.com/section). Limit to 25 unique values

Yes Client My_assetname
nol_apn User-defined string value for describing the player/site. Yes Client My_AppName
nol_vc Sub-brand level aggregation Yes Client VCID
nol_segA Segment A custom segment for reporting No Client NA
nol_segB Segment B custom segment for reporting No Client NA
nol_segC Segment C custom segment for reporting No Client NA

The values passed through the Nielsen keys will determine the breakouts that are seen in reporting. The custom segments (A, B & C) will roll into the sub-brand. To not use custom segments A, B and C, do not pass any value in these keys.

Aggregation Limits There are limits on the number of unique values that can be aggregated on in reporting. The specific limitations by key are:

Key Aggregation Limit
section Maximum of 25 unique values (section <= 25)
segA Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)
segB Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)
segC Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)

Advanced Tag Implementation

DCR Static Lite ensures that clients have a prior knowledge of the values for the parameters, they also offer the option of dynamically binding these parameters to the script tag.

Below is an example of how to bind Dynamic Parameters to the script tag.

In the HTML <head> section of each page, add the script snippet as shown below.

Note: This tagging is an alternative way of dynamically passing parameters to Static Lite in replacement of the standard <script> tag implementation.

<script type= "text/javascript" async>
var _nolParams = 
  nol_sfcode: 'dcr',
  nol_ci: 'My_ClientID',
  nol_apn: 'My_AppName',
  nol_vc: 'My_vcID',
  nol_segA: 'NA',
  nol_segB: 'NA',
  nol_segC: 'NA',
  nol_assetname: 'My_assetname'
/* This function dynamically builds the script tag and injects it into the page */
(function (params) 
  var url = 'https://cdn-gl.imrworldwide.com/novms/js/2/nlsDcrLite510.min.js#'; // Only for HTTPS URLs 
  var url = 'http://cdn-gl.imrworldwide.com/novms/js/2/nlsDcrLite510.min.js#'; // Only for HTTP URLs 
  var query = [];
  for (var param in params)
  query.push(param + '=' + params[param]);
}// for
url += query.join('&');
var script = window.document.createElement("script");
script.async = true;
script.src = url;

Privacy and Opt-Out

  • As a global information and measurement leader, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data we collect, process and use. Our digital measurement products are not used to identify the consumer in any way, but they help us and our clients measure and analyze how consumers engage with media across online, mobile and emerging technologies, and offer insights into consumer behavior.
  • The site must provide a means for the user to opt-out of, or opt back into, Nielsen Measurement. A user can opt-out if they would prefer not to participate in any Nielsen online measurement research. To implement the User Opt-Out option, include the following link to the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at https://priv-policy.imrworldwide.com/priv/browser/us/en/optout.html
  • On the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy page, users can click Choices to read more detailed information about the measurement software, learn about their options with regard to Nielsen measurement, and, if they do not want to participate in Nielsen online measurement, click a link to receive an opt-out cookie.

Pre-Certification Checklists

After the website is ready to be sent for Nielsen Certification, please go through the Pre-Certification Checklist and ensure the webpage behaves as expected, before submitting to Nielsen.

Testing an Implementation - Browser

See Digital Measurement Testing.