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Line 27: Line 27:
'''Your Credentials are:'''
=== Credentials ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=Coffescript>
Obtain credentials '''[[Digital Downloads| → here ←]]'''
machine raw.githubusercontent.com
login NielsenSdkRepo
password edec0d01b953171c704188c1d8fc0aa4217ec506
=== Verify version of Cocoapods ===
=== Verify version of Cocoapods ===

Revision as of 02:44, 12 February 2019

Engineering Portal breadcrumbArrow.png Digital breadcrumbArrow.png DCR Video iOS SDK breadcrumbArrow.png Digital Measurement iOS Artifactory Guide

The Nielsen AppSDK can either be downloaded directly or can be integrated directly within an application through the use of a CocoaPod or Gradle.

How to install Nielsen SDK in iOS

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 30 thousand libraries and is used in over 1.9 million apps. The Nielsen SDK now uses this distribution framework for improved version management.

Initial Configuration

The Nielsen SDK integration requires Cocoapods 1.4.0. or higher. The full installation guide for this framework is provided on the Getting Started page. How to set up the Podfile is mentioned in Using Cocoapods page.

Repository Credentials

The first step is to add the credentials received from Nielsen into your .netrc file. Navigate to your home folder and create a file called .netrc

cd ~/
vi .netrc

Within this file you need to add your credentials in the following format:

machine raw.githubusercontent.com
login <Nielsen App SDK client>
password <Auth token>


Obtain credentials → here ←

Verify version of Cocoapods

First verify that Cocoapods is installed.

pod --version

If it is not, then install.

Install via gem
sudo gem install cocoapods
Install using homebrew
brew install cocoapods

Add Cocoapod repository

From the command line, type the following:

pod repo add NielsenAppSDK https://github.com/nielsendigitalsdk/nielsenappsdk-ios-specs.git

Make sure you run the pod init command in your **project's directory.**

pod init

You now need to slightly modify the PodFile that was created in this directory. From the command line, you can use vi or vim to edit.
The following must be in the PodFile:

Objective C

platform :ios, '11.0'
source 'https://github.com/NielsenDigitalSDK/nielsenappsdk-ios-specs.git'

target 'YourProjectsNameHere' do
    #Pods for ApplicationTarget
    pod 'NielsenAppSDK'


If your pod has use_frameworks! and you are developing in Swift, please use the following:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '11.0'
source 'https://github.com/NielsenDigitalSDK/nielsenappsdk-ios-specs.git'

target 'YourProjectsNameHere' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
    #Pods for ApplicationTarget
    pod 'NielsenAppSDK'

static_frameworks = ['NielsenAppSDK']
# make all the other frameworks into static frameworks by overriding the static_framework? function to return true
pre_install do |installer|
    installer.pod_targets.each do |pod|
        if static_frameworks.include?(pod.name)
            puts "Overriding the static_framework? method for #{pod.name}"
            def pod.static_framework?;

An example Podfile without use_frameworks!:

source 'https://github.com/NielsenDigitalSDK/nielsenappsdk-ios-specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Application' do
 # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift 
 # or would like to use dynamic frameworks
 # use_frameworks!
# Pods for Application
 pod 'NielsenAppSDK'

Execute Install

Once that has been edited, you can now execute the install:

pod install

Cocoapods will automatically create a new file with extension “.xcworkspace”. From this moment, that file should be used for using the target project instead of previous one with extension “.xcodeproj”. Inside of this workspace you will see “Pods” target which will include ready to use NielsenAppApi framework.

Open the file with the extension of .xcworkspace file using Xcode.

Pod Versions

The following Pod versions are now available:

  • NielsenTVOSAppSDK

Regional Builds

  • NielsenAGFAppSDK
  • NielsenAGFTVOSAppSDK
  • NielsenAGFNoAdAppSDK
  • NielsenAGFNoAdTVOSAppSDK

Additional Resources

For more information on CocoaPods or How to set up the Profile in the Using Cocoapods page.