
Template:DCR Content Metadata

From Engineering Client Portal

Revision as of 19:18, 14 March 2022 by ColinBrown (talk | contribs)
Keys Description Values Required
type type of asset "content" Yes
assetid unique ID assigned to asset custom Yes
program name of program (25 character limit.)
(no abbreviations or shorthand)
The Big Bang Theory Yes
title episode title with season and episode number (40 character limit)
Formats accepted: S01E03, S1E3, S1 E3
The Pants Alternative S03E18
The Pants Alternative S3E18
The Pants Alternative S3 E18
length length of content in seconds If continuous (24 x 7) stream, pass the value of 86400.
If live stream of a discrete program (Live Event/Sporting Event),
pass length of content. If unknown, pass a value of 0.
airdate original broadcast or release date for the program iso date format
isfullepisode full episode flag "y"- full episode, "n"- non full episode Yes
adloadtype type of ad load:

"1" Linear – matches TV ad load

"2" Dynamic – Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)

"2" - DCR measures content with dynamic ads Yes
segB custom segment B custom
segC custom segment C custom
crossId1 TMS ID provided by gracenote custom
crossId2 content originator (only required for distributors) custom

Custom segments (segB and segC) can be used to aggregate video and/or static content within a single Brand to receive more granular reports within a brand.

Examples regarding usage of segments within SDK:

  • All comedy clips and stories for a Brand rolled into a "Comedy" segment
  • genre grouping content by Comedy vs. Drama
  • group related Text + Video content - i.e. for a show that has a lot of - static pages associated with it
  • packaging based on how clients sell inventory
  • grouping related types of content either by genre, category or platform.