
From Engineering Client Portal

Revision as of 21:50, 24 July 2018 by LaMarHolmes (talk | contribs) (Changed adloadtype to adModel for DTVR parameter)

Engineering Portal breadcrumbArrow.png Digital breadcrumbArrow.png Android SDK API Reference breadcrumbArrow.png loadMetadata()
The application uses this API to send metadata to the SDK. App constructs a JSON object and calls loadMetadata. The API that accepts the JSON string has been deprecated.


public void loadMetadata(JSONObject jsonMetadata);

Input Parameters

Parameter Description JSON Object
jsonMetaData DTVR
new JSONObject().put("adModel", "1");

type should always be "ad" for DAR

new JSONObject()
    .put("type", "ad")
    .put("ocrtag", "http://secure-uat-cert.imrworldwde.com/cgi-bin/m?ci=ENTXX5&am=3&ep=1&at=view&rt=banner&st=image&ca=cmp97144&cr=1186239&pc=3739659&r=2011370876");
Digital Audio

type should always be “radio”. See Digital Audio Metadata.

new JSONObject()
    .put("dataSrc", "cms")
    .put("type", "radio")
    .put("assetid", "WXYZ-FM")
    .put("stationType", "3")
    .put("provider", "MyRadioProvider");

type should be “content”, “static”, “preroll”, “midroll” or “postroll”.

// Audio & Video Measurement:
new JSONObject()
    .put("type", "content")
    .put("assetid", "vid345-67483")
    .put("program", "ProgramName")
    .put("title", "Program S3, EP1")
    .put("length", "3600")
    .put("segB", "CustomSegmentValueB")
    .put("segC", "CustomSegmentValueC")
    .put("crossId1", "Reference11")
    .put("crossId2", "Reference22")
    .put("vcid", "cXX")
    .put("isfullepisode", "yes")
    .put("airdate", "20161013 20:00:00");
// Static Measurement:
new JSONObject()
    .put("type", "static")
    .put("section", "siteSection")
    .put("segA", "segmentA")
    .put("segB", "segmentB")
    .put("segC", "segmentC")
    .put("crossId1", "Reference11");
// Ad Measurement:
new JSONObject()
    .put("type", "preroll")
    .put("assetid", "AD361-84413")
    .put("title", "MyAdName");
DCR Germany

type should be “content”, “static”, “preroll”, “midroll” or “postroll”.

JSONObject contentMetadata = new JSONObject()
//SDK Metadata
    .put("type", "content")
    .put("assetid", "vid345-67483")
    .put("program", "Program Name")
    .put("title", "Program S3, EP1")
    .put("length", "3600")
    .put("segB", "CustomSegmentValueB")
    .put("segC", "CustomSegmentValueC")
    .put("crossId1", "Reference11")
    .put("crossId2", "Reference22")
    .put("vcid", "cXX")
    .put("isfullepisode", "yes")
    .put("airdate", "20161013 20:00:00")
//Custom Properties
.put("nol_c{number}", "p{Number},value");
//Ad Measurement:
JSONObject adMetadata = new JSONObject()
//SDK Metadata
    .put("type", "preroll")
    .put("assetid", "AD361-84413")
    .put("title", "MyAdName")
// Custom Properties
.put("nol_c{number}", "p{Number},value");

Output Parameters

Output Parameters (Return value) Description