Engineering Portal / Digital / International DCR / DCR AppSDK Flavors
Android AppSDK Flavors
There are 3 versions available starting with the Nielsen AppSDK
AppSDK Flavor
Android Ad Version
- With the Ad Framework
- Opt-In and Opt-Out functionality managed by Opt out of Ads Personlization setting on device.
- The Nielsen AppSDK will collect the Google Advertising ID unless the user Opts Out.
- If the Google Play Service is unavailable, (ie: Amazon and Huawei devices) the Nielsen AppSDK will secure the Android ID.
Android No Ad Framework
- Without the Ad Framework, the Nielsen AppSDK cannot read the Google Advertising ID, so will retrieve the AndroidID.
- The AndroidID is a 64-bit number (expressed as a hexadecimal string), unique to each combination of app-signing key, user and device.
- The developer is required to present the User Choice Opt Out page which is described in the Privacy Section.
Android AppSDK noID
- This version of the Nielsen AppSDK is perfect for Kid apps, or where no ID is required.
- Please review the Privacy Section
iOS AppSDK Flavors
There are 3 versions available starting with the Nielsen AppSDK
AppSDK Flavor
iOS Ad Version
- With the Ad Framework
- Opt-In and Opt-Out functionality managed by the AppTrackingTransparency framework.
- The Nielsen AppSDK will attempt to collect the IDFA (Id for Advertisers) on the device.
- For iOS14+, if the value ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.authorized is returned.
- If the device is running iOS12 or iOS13, the Limit Ad Tracking setting is requested.
iOS No Ad Framework
- Without the Ad Framework, the Nielsen AppSDK cannot read the IDFA, so it will attempt to retrieve the IDFV.
- The ID for Vendors (IDFV), may be used for analytics across apps from the same content provider.
- The developer is required to present the User Choice Opt Out page which is described in the Privacy Section.
- This version of the Nielsen AppSDK is perfect for Kid apps, or where no ID is required.
- Please review the Privacy Section