DCR Static Tealium

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Before you add the Nielsen Integration, you will need a Nielsen App ID. The Nielsen App ID (apid) is a Unique ID assigned to the player/site and configured by product.

If you have not already received an App ID, please contact your Nielsen account manager.

Tag Configuration

First, go to Tealium’s Tag Marketplace and add the Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (DCR) - Static Browser SDK to your profile. You can follow the steps below to add the Nielsen tag:

  1. Log in to Tealium IQ
  2. Select ‘Tags’
  3. Click the ‘Add a Tag’ button
  4. In the Tag Marketplace, Enter 'Nielsen' in the search box
  5. Find the “Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (DCR) - Static Browser SDK” tag and click add

Tealium Data Mapping.png

For more details on adding Tags in Tealium, refer to: how to add a Tag?.

Vendor Configuration

After adding the Tag, configure the below settings:

  1. App ID: Unique Nielsen ID assigned to player/site. This is passed to Nielsen in theapid key. Refer to the Prerequisites section for more details.
  2. Instance Name: Name of Nielsen SDK Instance. You can leave the default name, nlsnInstance as is or use any string value.
  3. Enable Debug: Set value to true to enable Nielsen console logging during testing. When you move to production, the value should be set to false.
  4. Use Path for Site Section: When set to true, the first folder in the web page’s path is used for Site Section reporting. If the first folder is absent or not available, the Site Section value will default to “home”. The Site Section value can also be configured through Data Mappings (see below). Note: For standard accounts, there is a limit to 25 unique values.

Tealium - Vendor Configuration.png

Load Rules

Load Rules determine when and where to load an instance of this Tag on your site.

Recommended Load Rule: Load on all pages.

Data Mapping

Mapping is the process of sending data from a Data Layer Variable to the corresponding destination variable of the vendor Tag. For instructions on how to map a Variable to a Tag destination, see Data Mappings.

Tealium - Data Mapping.png

The destination variables for the Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (DCR) - Static Browser SDK are built into its Data Mapping tab. The available keys are:

Keys Description Values Required
assetid unique ID for each article custom
section Allows you to send custom site sections (limited to a maximum of 25 unique values). This is passed to Nielsen in the section key. If the mapping returns an empty value, then Site Section will be set to the default value of “home”. NOTE: If you are mapping to this destination, be sure to turn off the “Use Path for Site Section” toggle in the Tag settings. custom
(no Special Characters)
segA Custom Segment reporting is limited to a maximum of 25 unique values across custom segments A, B, and C (segA + segB + segC <= 25). This is passed to Nielsen in thesegA key. custom
segb Custom Segment reporting is limited to a maximum of 25 unique values across custom segments A, B, and C (segA + segB + segC <= 25). This is passed to Nielsen in thesegA key. custom
segc Custom Segment reporting is limited to a maximum of 25 unique values across custom segments A, B, and C (segA + segB + segC <= 25). This is passed to Nielsen in thesegA key. custom


The values passed through the Nielsen keys will determine the breakouts that are seen in reporting. The custom segments (A, B & C) will roll into the sub-brand. To not use custom segments A, B and C, do not pass any value in these keys.

Aggregation Limits: For standard accounts, there are limits on the number of unique values that can be aggregated on in reporting. The specific limitations by key are:

Keys Aggregation Limits
section maximum of 25 unique values (section <= 25)
segA Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)
segB Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)
segC Maximum number of unique values allowed across segA, segB, and segC is 25 (segA + segB + segC<= 25)

Infinite Scrolling

If your site has infinite or continuous scrolling, you will need to configure the Nielsen onPaginate event by:

  1. Create Data Layer Variable with y-scroll position
  2. Select “Edit” Tag
  3. Navigate to Data Mappings Tab
  4. Select y-scroll position variable in Data Mappings drop-down
  5. Click “Destination” button
  6. Select “onPaginate” category in left-side navigation
  7. Map y-scroll position variable to Scroll Offset by clicking checkbox for scroll_offset
  8. Click “Done” button


Privacy and Opt-Out

There are two primary methods for implementing user Opt-out preferences:

  1. User Opt Out - Provide a link to the Nielsen Privacy Policy page when a User can make their selection
  2. Initialization Opt Out - Global OptOut Parameter

User Opt Out

The site must provide a means for the user to opt-out of, or opt back into, Nielsen Measurement. A user can opt-out if they would prefer not to participate in any Nielsen online measurement research. To implement the User Opt-Out option, include the following two items in your privacy policy.

  • A notice that the player (or page in relation to static measurement) includes proprietary measurement software that allows users to contribute to market research (such as Nielsen TV Ratings).
  • A link to the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at https://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy

On the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy page, users can click Choices to read more detailed information about the measurement software, learn about their options with regard to Nielsen measurement, and, if they do not want to participate in Nielsen online measurement, click a link to receive an opt-out cookie.

  • Once users have opted out via this link, their browser cookies will contain the value TOTAL_OPTOUT. This will prevent a redirect to our data provider from occurring
  • Users can opt back in via this link. When a user selects that link, their opt-out cookie will be deleted and they will be able to be measured moving forward.

The following paragraph is a template for a Privacy Statement.

The properties may feature Nielsen proprietary measurement software, which will allow users to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen TV Ratings. To learn more about the information that Nielsen software may collect and your choices with regard to it, please see the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at https://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy

User Opt Back In

Once users have opted-out, they can choose to opt back into Nielsen Measurement at anytime by selecting the opt back in link on the Nielsen Digital Privacy Policy page. When a user selects the link, their opt-out cookie will be deleted and they will be able to be measured.

Initialization Opt Out

The BSDK600 now supports the ability to optout on initialization of the SDK by allowing an optout global parameter to be passed. This optout will be maintained through the session of the SDK instance. Specifications and limitations are specified below.

Type Supported Values Notes Optout
optout True, Yes, or 1 Case is insensitive and can be string or bool

Example: nlsQ("XXXXXXXX-BH45-JKY6-BKH7-67GJKY68GJK7", "myInstance", { optout: true});

Ping parameter will set uoo=true.
optout False, No, or 0 Case is insensitive and can be string or bool

Example: nlsQ("XXXXXXXX-BH45-JKY6-BKH7-67GJKY68GJK7", "myInstance", { optout: false});

Ping parameter will set uoo to blank.

Example of using OptOut

var nSdkInstance = NOLBUNDLE.nlsQ("XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX", "nlsnInstance", {
  nol_sdkDebug: "debug",
  optout: "true"

Opt Out Overview

Browser Cookie uoo value in session ping Final Optout Status
Default Value no uoo value or uoo=0 Not Opted Out
Default Value uoo=1 Opted Out
TOTAL_OPTOUT uoo=0 Opted Out
TOTAL_OPTOUT uoo=1 Opted Out