Nielsen Audio Code Analysis Tool 3

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Engineering Portal / Radio / Nielsen Audio Code Analysis Tool 3

NACAT3® — Nielsen Audio Code Analysis Tool — The Nielsen Company has developed NACAT, a Microsoft® Windows 10/11 operating system (64-bit) PC tool to aid in diagnosing audio watermarks embedded in an audio stream.

NACAT is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application that captures audio, extracts Nielsen codes from that audio, decodes Nielsen audio codes (including UCC), and reports the extracted audio codes. The Nielsen EVS department uses the NACAT application for monitoring, assisting in troubleshooting, and verifying NAVE encoder installations.

This release has significant enhancements.

This version incorporates Decoder SDK v6.0.16 with its underlying UCC/Commercial Codes and sub-minute capabilities.

Enhancements include decode, display, and log both the left and right channels simultaneously for more complete monitoring. NACAT3® enables decoding of all 6 channels.

NACAT 3 for Radio requires the use of a code mapping file (SIDMAP). To request a SIDMAP file that contains the mapping for your station/station groups audio codes, please email You will need to provide the list of station call letters or station ownership for the codes you’re requesting.


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